lesson 85: always carry a painkiller

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I don't know where to start. This is the first the it's been so long. I don't even have the guts to say sorry. I had no right to leave you guys unannounced like that because you all have been on my back since the summer.

But I'm sorry. Maybe you aren't curious but I'll explain myself a little.

As I say constantly it's my senior year at high school and I'm still adjusting. It's honestly hard on me. Last weeks were my exam weeks. And apart from all, I didn't know where the story was going.

I had it all planned out. The finale, the time lapse, character's futures. It was all planned and we were close to it. But there was just one thing in my mind that I wasn't sure how to connect. And I postponed writing it. Because this story is ,in my opinion, is the best of my writing I put out here and I didn't want to write just because I had to. I didn't want to rush it and in time, I lost my connection to the story.

Even if I let go of the story, everyday I received new comments. From new readers and from the old ones as well. I must say I appreciate it. They are the reason why I'm back on my computer.

I have a two week break and my plan is to finish the story until then. Sounds like the perfect timing for me. No stories unfinished. No lives uncomplete.

I still am not sure how/ what will I write but we'll figure it out. We always had.

xoxo, Asteria.

As desire passes through
Then you're open
To the truth
I hope you understand
And your love

(Standing next to me- LSP)


"Shut this mother fucking phone." I yelled. Unable to open my eyes. It felt like bunch of elephants were having sex on my brain. That's how much my head hurt. I tried to blink but I failed. I turned to my side on the bed and reached out but no one was there. This kind of awakened me. I forced myself to open my eyes and when I did, I saw I wasn't wrong. No one was here.

The phone stopped ringing. I saw it was Ethan's phone. I reached to it and it was a random unsaved number. It was probably from one of the telephone companies that kept calling for no reason.

Even though it felt like 5 fucking am in the morning it was actually 12.32 o' clock. 

When I realized I couldn't keep my head still anymore I rested my head on the headboard. I heard Ethan's steps. As he came into the room a dominant shampoo smell filled in as well.

"Morning," he sounded cheerful. I didn't look at him.

"Was I the only one who drank yesterday? How are you so vigorous?" I murmured. 

"I know my limits, that's why." he said. I looked at him, barely being able to carry my head. He of fucking course had to show off his newly showered body by only wrapping a towel around his pelvis. He probably hadn't dried his body up because the dripping water was drawing a path around his olive skin. The way he put his wet hair in a bun was a hate crime if you asked me but it looked good just because he was the one doing it.

"I wasn't aware your limits involved piggybacking Damiano." I said. 

He chuckled, raising one arm  to scratching next to his ear.

Smoke of His Breath // Ethan Torchioजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें