lesson 3: do as I say, not as I do

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I'm too excited about this story and I actually have plans for the plot so it's easier to write this rather than my other stories.

Happiness, hit her like a train on a track
Coming towards her, stuck still no turning back
She hid around corners and she hid under beds
She killed it with kisses and from it she  fled
(Dog Days Are Over- Florence+The Machine)

"Come on!" Miruna grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the crowd. It was a small flat and it had too many people in it. It was obvious that only a teen guy was living in the apartment. It wasn't very hygienic, furniture wasn't taken care of quite well. There were music sheets all around and only think that looked in great condition was the guitar and the keyboard. The whole place smelled like cigarettes and weed. Probably the party had contributed to it.

As soon as we stepped in, all I was looking for was him. I could see Miruna was looking for Ethan. We walked around a couple minutes before we heard a raspy voice,

"Are you lost ladies?"

I looked at the direction of the voice. A familiar face stood before us. He was wearing a leather jacket and nothing underneath it, revealing most of his tattoos.

"Screw you David," Miruna talked before I did, "I was looking for you megalomaniac friend."

We heard another voice behind Damiano. It was Ethan. He grinned widely.

"You don't have to wait anymore milady."

He was such a player. Both Miruna and I knew all this flirtatious attitude was just an act. It was an act to get into her pants. She was as cunning as he was so she went with it. They left me in the crowded alone and wandered off to somewhere. Damiano was still there, however.

"You don't know how to party do you?" he asked. I rolled my eyes at him. I knew how to party. I just needed to be around people I was comfortable with -which was quite few to be honest- and not with these jerks all around.

"Do you want alcohol?" he asked. I didn't feel like to talk to him so I decided to be a bitch about it. I knew all of them except Thomas were dangerous people. The less communication with them, the better, I thought.

"Why do you care?" I said blandly. It was his turn to roll his eyes now.

"I don't." he said without showing any emotion and left. Once he did, I realized he was kind of right. I could use a couple drinks. I started to walk around the flat to find where the kitchen was. As I had realized when we first entered, the flat was pretty small so it didn't take me long to find it.

There were people all around. I saw Thomas grabbing himself a drink.

Come on Carmen. This is your shot. You should go talk to him.

I inhaled nervously and walked near him, also attempting to get myself a cup of beer.

"Hi," I said nervously, praying that my voice wasn't shaking. He looked at me to see who was talking to him and smiled when our eyes met. I felt my heart being ripped our of my chest because it was beating too fast.

"Hi Carmen," he said. Hearing my name from his mouth was one of the best things I had ever experienced. I looked at his hazel eyes, which didn't really have any emotions. I spoke nervously.

"Do you want to go eat something together maybe? N-not like right now but-"

I was stupid and I had made a fool out of myself. Luckily, he was too kind to say anything bad.

"Sure. I would like to go hang out sometime." he said.

I had done it. I had fucking asked him out.

"Sure," I breathed out with relief. A couple of his other friends who I didn't know their names called Thomas near them. Thomas looked at me one more time and said "I'll see you around." I nodded, not being able to say something else. He left without waiting for my answer anyway.

I chugged the beer and filled myself another. This was surely a start and I was proud of myself for approaching him.

I wish he hadn't hide himself, his kidneys behind the bad behaviors of their friends.I could see the apparent good in him because I was always watching him. I always had my eyes on him. But others didn't. And they thought he was bad as others. It was a shame.

"Come with me." a voice interrupted my thoughts. I saw it was Ethan. "What now?" I said, but he started to walk, forcing me to walk with him. He opened one of the few doors. There were a couple making out but he kicked them out, closing the door behind them.

"You should stop doing this," I looked at him. He was wearing a black tank top and black jeans. Since we were out of school, he had let his long hair free.

"You failed." he said. I didn't understand what he meant and he realized that. He explained when he saw the confusion on my face.

"First, I had told you to look good. You're wearing black shorts and a tank top."

I rolled my eyes, looking at his clothes. "Pretty much the same with what you're wearing."

He shrugged. "But I look good in it." he said. Stupid prick. I hated his huge ego. I didn't say anything and he continued.

"Second, I had told you to not leave him alone at a party. Which you clearly had."

I looked at him. I was bored of standing so I sat down on the bed. "You left your girl alone to come here."

I liked hitting him with his words. He imitated me and also sat down on the bed. He looked at me as if I was stupid.

"I'm interested in Miruna for fame, you say you actually like Thomas. Also I'm the fucking teacher here. You can go fuck yourself if you won't follow the lessons."

I hated him and his attitude but he was right. I also hated him being right.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you say." I said, dropping my shoulders.

"Good," he said looking satisfied. "I'll come to your house tomorrow. We have to clean your wardrobe."

I looked at him in shock but he looked pretty serious about it. He got up before I said anything, "Now if you excuse me, I'll go enjoy myself. Your choice if you want to rot alone in this shithole."

I got up too but waited him to walk to the door before taking a step. He looked at me while opening the door. "Oh and also for today's lesson, learn to do as I say, not as I do."

Once again, he left without waiting for me to reply. I got out of the room, checking if anyone was around. Luckily everyone was minding their own businesses.

I walked in the hallway to find Miruna. I saw Thomas kissing this girl. I felt my heart ache. It always did.

So that's why Ethan had told me to not to leave him alone at a party.

I passed them by with feeling heavy on the chest to find Miruna and convince her to go home.


My savage baby Ethan.

Smoke of His Breath // Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now