lesson 21: raising yourself makes you strong

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multimedia: we have a Miruna now yay (Gracie Abrams is her real name)

Hii! I know things have been very fucking slow lately but I love developing charachters in a slow way.

Things will start to get heated in the next few chapters. Also I'll write more of Thomas and Carmen's relationship too so stay tuned for that. I'm honestly excited for you to read what's next. 


There are moments when I think I'm going crazy 
But it's gonna be alright 
Everything will be so different
When I'm on the stage tonight

(Super Trouper- ABBA)

"I'm excited about Halloween." I looked at Thomas, to come up with a topic to take his attention. Because for the last few minutes, he was on his phone. He turned his phone off, put it to the table and looked at me.

"Yeah. It'll be fun." he smiled. I nodded enthusiastically. I of course was not planning on getting dressed as a cheesy couple's costume with him. It wasn't my thing at all. I was just excited to go to somewhere with him. I was happy he cared me enough to ask me out.

"We'll not be wearing costumes will we?" he asked, he was smiling widely. 

I grimaced. "Oh no way!" I said which made him laugh. I laughed when he did too. When he laughed, his hazel-green eyes filled with sparks. His well shaped lips moved beautifully.  Once he was done laughing he put his hair behind his ear with his long fingers.

It was the Monday after our exam week. Thomas and I had sat down on the cafeteria, eating lunch.  After school, we didn't really hung out much but eating lunch together had became somewhat a tradition. I enjoyed spending my time with him. It was honestly a dream come true. He, was a dream come true.

Our little alone time got interrupted by Ethan, Miruna, Victoria and oddly, Damiano.

"If I knew you liked school this much, I wouldn't help you graduate," Thomas said to him. Damiano rolled his eyes.

"Ha, ha , ha" he said sarcastically. Other except him had gotten themselves food from the school cafeteria but he had brought a SubWay sandwich with him. After they all settled to the table, I heard Ethan call my name.

"Carmen?" he said. I turned my eyes from my food to him. Looking at him like 'now what idiot?' but I didn't say anything. "Our Literature grades are published."

Oh shit. I wasn't ready for this, at all. I waited nervously for him to say something about our grades but someone else talked instead.

"Oh the one with Pride and Prejudice and Love in the time of Cholera one?" Damiano asked. He shut up when Ethan looked into his eyes as if he could murder him. Victoria talked suspiciously, 

"Why do you know the course of their lesson?" she asked. None of them didn't know Ethan lived with Damiano for now. None of them didn't know I had spent the week studying there either.

Damiano shrugged carelessly, "Ethan was at my place the other day and the idiot forgot his notes when he left. I saw it in there." he said.

No one asked further questions about it. Damiano looked pretty convincing while saying that.

"You were pretty nervous for the E.T. exam," Miruna said looking at me. "How was it?"

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