lesson 65: you worry about people you care

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I was gonna read a book (I'm reading catcher in the rye lol) but I didn't feel like it so instead here I am, writing a chapter. Also in this chapter, I'll try to attempt to something. You'll get two surprise at once.

Right down the line

It's been you and me

And lovin' a music man

Ain't always what it's supposed to be

Oh girl you stand by me

I'm forever yours, faithfully

(Faithfully- Journey)

Point of view of Ethan Torchio

content warning: sex

"Why isn' she coming?" I continued to walk around the room as I was doing for the past hour. "It's been hours. She isn't answering my calls or texts. What if she is in trouble?"

Damiano was sitting down on the couch and trying to comfort be but I could see he was as worried as I was. They had became friends, strangely and I knew they cared about each other.

"Calm the fuck down. I'm sure she is okay."

I looked at him unbelievingly. I was actually worried. And also nervous. I was hoping her talk with Miruna hadn't went that bad. I could imagine it being bad and Miruna yelling at Carmen. I just hoped she hadn't told her things to break her heart. I didn't want her heart to get broken.

"Sit down Torchio, and tell me what happened with Thomas. Ever since you came , you only ask about Carmen. What did you do?"

I looked at him. I could use a distraction so I sat down. Marlena wasn't here today so I lit myself a cigarette.

"Did he get mad?" Damino asked.

I shrugged. "He didn't. I prefer he did though. His understanding and calmness makes me feel even shittier."

"What did he say?" Damiano asked.

"He said he liked her. He asked if I loved her. He also said he was angry to her to me and to himself. He used the word betrayal."

Damiano frowned. "Well I can kind of understand why he feels betrayed but to be fair, he never made his intentions with Carmen clear."

I nodded. He had a point.

Hearing her name made me feel worried again. Damiano saw the look in my eyes. He got up.

"Okay this isn't working like this. You stay at home and I'll go look at her house. Maybe I can ask Vic to check Miruna's. You stay here and wait in case she comes back." he ordered.

"I don't want to just sit and wait." I said. It seemed impossible to do.

"Torchio, if i tell you to stay, you stay."

I didn't like his attitude and usually I would punch him for it but I felt too tired to do so. He left without waiting
for my answer anyway.

I smoked one cigarette after another. An hour or so passed. It was hard to do nothing. It was almost midnight. I was actually worried. The thought of any harm coming to her was suffocating me. I could only wish I was able to protect her from anything.  Not that she needed it. She was the strongest girl I have ever seen. But I just felt like I needed to wrap my arms around her all the time and work as a shelter. That was the only way I could show her how much she meant to me.

Smoke of His Breath // Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now