lesson 75: truth is always riskier than dare

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Last chapter was getting too long so I divided into two but I didn't want to leave it hanging so I'll be uploading the two chapters one after another.

Also this song is so them I'll sob

 Hope you enjoy,


Maybe we could find new ways to fall apart

But our friends are back

So let's raise a cup

'Cause I found someone to carry me home

(We are young- fun., Janelle Monae)


"Should you really be encouraging your friends to drink while your daughter is literally here?" asked Miruna who was sitting between Thomas and Victoria. Damiano sat next to Victoria and talked while placing the tray on the coffee table.

"We'll have some ground rules." he said. "First, no getting drunk. Second, no making out," he was looking at Ethan and I while saying that. I  hoped no one noticed. "Third, you may use curse words. She doesn't understand them anyway."

"Father of the year," Victoria teased him. We all laughed. Including Thomas. He looked like he was starting to understand the reality of the situation now.

"I'll kick anyone's ass who gets drunk in the slightest." Damiano said and started pouring drinks to the plastic cups. 

"Why are we sitting on the floor again?" asked Miruna. 

"Oh. Of course." Damiano smirked. "It's because we'll play Spin the Bottle, or Truth or Dare, or whatever you want to call it. That's what we'll do."

That was the last thing I wanted to play.

"Oh come on." Ethan said. "How old are you? 12?"

"Hey!" Damiano said. "We still have one more of us who is still in high school," he looked at Thomas. "We are still allowed to play high schooler games."

I looked like Marlena who was sitting between my legs, on the floor. "David you literally have a child." I said. Damiano dropped his shoulders.

"David this, Damiano that... Stop making excuses. We will play the game and that's that. Stop trying to be adults because it's obvious we suck at that. Let's have fun." he said while putting a bottle on the coffee table horizontally.

The issue was, this wasn't a game that I think I would enjoy. There was way too many things that they could ask me which I didn't want to answer.

"We all have to do/answer what we are asked to. Drinking is not a way out. We have drinks to accompany us." Damiano spun the bottle without listening to any of us. First, it stopped between Miruna and Damiano.

"Truth." he said without a hesitation.

"Do you regret not getting protected?" she asked. Damiano thought for a second. His eyes were on Marlena.

"Well, I don't regret having Marls in my life but I regret being irresponsible if that makes sense. I wasn't ready to be a father and my life would be so much more different if I wasn't. But I can't do anything to change it back and I'm not sure if I want to. She is too precious to give up on."

Smoke of His Breath // Ethan TorchioWhere stories live. Discover now