lesson 43: children cannot take care of another children

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The title says a lot about the chapter and I'm living for it. I'm excited for what to come :)

This chapter is full of cliche's but idc because they are cute

Don't forget to enjoy <3


For you, there'll be no more cryingFor you, the sun will be shiningAnd I feel that when I'm with youIt's alright, I know it's right

(Songbird- Fleetwood Mac)

Few days went by like a dream. We were spending all of our time together at Damiano's place afternoons. The mornings, we had school. In school, we were avoiding each other as much as possible because we both knew if we spent time together near everyone else, we would do something to expose ourselves. We limited ourselves by quick smiles and eye contacts in times when we were sure no one was around to see.

It was a Saturday morning when I woke up with way too many calls and messages from him. I skipped some of them because all of them had the same main idea.


she is a cute monster


I'll kill the dilf for leaving me alone with her

I need your help


i'm jealous of you for being able to sleep


h e l p

I laughed at the messages. Probably this was the first time he was alone with her. I really didn't want to go because a children, was not something I would like to deal with. She wasn't even a children at this point. She wasn't even a toddler. She couldn't walk. She had started to crawl a little but not enough to get from one place to another. She just crawled on the floor for a couple steps before falling to floor. She could sit with support around her so that was new.

I got out of the bed and got ready. I wore black tights and an oversized shirt. I put my hair into a pony tail. Ethan probably hadn't eaten anything as well so I skipped breakfast and left the house. I could grab us something to eat on my way there.

I rang the bell when I arrived. Ethan opened the door as expected. He had Marlena in his arms but he was holding her in a very strange way. I had no idea what was the right way but looking at the discomfort in Marlena's face, this surely wasn't the right way. She was crying and pulling Ethan's hair. He looked tired, nervous and confused at the same time.

"Thank god you are here." he said, making a grimace when Marlena screamed. "Hanna had to go to a vacation with his parents as Dami said and he had a shift. He left me all alone with her, saying he would be home AFTER DINNER. WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO UNTIL AFTER DINNER?"

I laughed to his reaction but it really was scary. He forced me to take her. I expected her to stop crying when I held her but she did not. I started to pat her back, trying to comfort her. Ethan closed to door behind our backs when we both entered the house. I tried to think of what she might've needed.

"Is she hungry?" I asked.

"I fed her the milk from the bottle." he said.

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