Chapter 130

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Night was falling and the sky assumed a bloody red colour. Quite fitting for what was about to happen.
All the survivors gathered on a relatively untouched part of the plain. Thousands of people, yet the air was silent. Nobody dared to even sigh loudly.
In countless rows lay the dead, neatly placed one next to another. They stared serenely into the blankness, their skin long turned blue.
Aurora clenched her jaw, struggling to breathe. Right in front of her lay Cass. She looked so peaceful, if it wasn't for the two bloody holes in her chest. She made one of those.
And as a second punch, Zan was next. He had countless scratches and smaller wounds, none of which were lethal. He looked fine. What a cruel illusion. His heart collapsed from strain and exhaustion.
She took Peter's hand. He looked ready to faint.
The last bit of the sun disappeared behind the Barrier. Thousands of flames lit up at once, a whole ocean of fire.
She held a blue spark above her hand and pressed it to the hem of Cassidy's dress. It didn't want to catch, frozen as it was.
,,Burn. Go," she whispered.
The flame roared to life, consuming her sister's body, climbing to great heights. It spread to the others, hiding the forms from view.
Aurora smiled and walked away to a safer distance. A big dark cloud of smoke rose to the sky. She swore she could hear the dead sighing in relief, their spirits shaping up in the smoke.
Death nodded, then to her surprise, made a small bow.
She couldn't take the company anymore. Most people were too mesmerized by the flames to notice her slip away. She got to the edge of the gathering and stepped into the clear space. It was almost fully dark now.
Every time she stepped at that dark patch, she felt it vibrate up her leg. It left prickles and she couldn't shake the feeling.
She glanced at the fire behind her, now a solid mass illuminating the night. Powerful storm. Then back at the field. Both signs of destruction.
It didn't have to stay that way.
She sank to one knee and touched the ground. It felt wrong, corrupt.
Drawing power from the flames, she thought about what exactly she was trying to do. She couldn't do this alone. She wasn't good at this kind of magic. Healing. Growing. Thankfully, she knew someone who was.
,,Barrier?" she called.
,,Yes, child? What do you need?" the voice answered right away, a feeling of comfort flooding her mind.
,,I know this isn't really an emergency and I shouldn't be asking this of you."
,,I'm listening. Nothing stops me from helping when I want."
Aurora smiled. ,,I think you will like this. Can you help me with this field? It's corrupted by evil and I'm not strong enough to get rid of it on my own. Nothing would grow here, leaving an ugly black reminder of the crimes commited here. I want to change that. Leave a better memorial than death."
,,Let's do this."

She felt the power join hers. The Barrier lit up, shining like the sun agains the night. She saw herself glow as well, small golden tendrils smoking from her skin. She smiled and poured it into the dead soil.
Barrier changed it somehow. She didn't understand exactly how, but it became better.
The earth around her cracked, resisting. Gold shone from the cracks, racing away from her in all directions. Like the veins of a creature, filled with life and energy.
Soon, the whole field glowed gold, including the soil under all those people. She faintly hear them gasp and look around fr the source.
The ground shook, cracking even more. The snow melted, blood dissipated. But the black patches remained.
,,You have the power."

She knew what power and terror clawed at her, almost biting the connection.
,,Relax, child."
She nodded and closed her eyes. The Barrier was there with her. Nothing could go wrong with such a powerful being ready to help. She called the Darkness, the evil lurking within her.
It burst out, raging and hungry. It didn't like what she did, cutting it off like that. It wanted to punish her, to break her.
You are just a weapon," she whispered to herself. ,,I'm in control."
Truth was, she was in control. It couldn't get away from her. It could rage all it wanted, it would never break free and cause havoc ever again.
Small streaks of black spread across her arms, covering the gold. She didn't let herself be frightened. This was her power. She wasn't afraid of herself.
The black patches lifted, then broke into small pieces, leaving only dust behind.
Suddenly the light exploded before her. She saw nothing but the light. It roared in her head, spinning her around and around. So much power. She didn't hold that much even when she fought Tewe. And now she had it.
Her connection to the Barrier cut off abruptly and she lurched forward, falling to her face.
Everything spun, everything creaked. It took her a while to be able to open her eyes and focus on her surroundings.
She sat up and saw what she has done. She was sitting in a field of white flowers. They had red and black streaks on them and glowed faintly in the dark. They stretched as far as she could see. She never saw any flowers as beautiful as them.
They will grow here for generations to come. A symbol of a new era.

Tak. Druhá aspoň trochu milá kapitola :D teda snáď

Mám polorozrobenú kresbu k tomuto, tak snáď to do budúcej stihnem dokončiť

Dragon BloodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora