Chapter 127

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Aurora floated in white nothingness. A wide smile spread across her face. The pain, grief, and a whirlwind of other destructive feelings she had just a moment before were so distant, it almost didn't exist. Just outside of her senses.
She couldn't feel nor see her body. Still she was aware of the vast space around her and the emptiness of it. She extended her mind but could feel no other living being. No object either.
Maybe that would alarm her normally. But now she just closed her eyes and enjoyed the peace. Whatever this place was, nothing could touch her here.
No pain, ever again.
What was pain? She vaguely remembered feeling it before, but not the feeling itself. She knew what the word meant and the feeling of fear it gave off.
The fear faded as quickly as it came. Such a useless feeling. What could she fear here? Endless joy and peace?


Peter climbed over a rock. The top was melted. Before him stretched a field of ice shards, fire pools, burning acids, and toxic mists. The small specks of ground that showed were completely black, drained of all life. Nothing would ever grow here.
Aurora and Tewe were getting too far away from him. He'd never catch up with them on foot, not without Zan. That brought another unbidden tear and sniff.
Caution be damned. He had to get to them. He transformed and tried flying. Two flaps of wings and he crashed face-first, sharp pain exploding in his wing where it broke before. How could have he forgotten that?!
Gritting his teeth, he set off at a run. He hated to run in dragon form. The body wasn't made for it. His wings flapped uselessly at his sides, slowing him down. But progress was made and that's what mattered. At least his scales were more resistant to the dangers Aurora left behind.
One time he almost jumped straight into a hole, only to move to the side to get his tail electrocuted. His tail flaps smoked and tiny holes appeared on the edges.
He jumped over a small hill, taking it all at once. An icy shard scraped his left horn, throwing him off-course.
Tewe noticed his stumbling and grinned. Icy pool appeared under his leg. He had no way of avoiding it. His leg slipped and went up, but his body still followed the descent.
The crash stole all the air from his lungs. He groaned, seeing twice.
Aurora turned to look at him. Her blank expression didn't change. Tewe shot another something at him and she made no move to stop it.
Tewe inclined his head, confused. Peter would too if he could. No help would come from Aurora.
Aurora used Tewe's distraction and smoky tendrils climbed up his body like snakes, then pulled tight.
,,You tried this once before. It failed then, it will fail now!" Tewe growled. His eyes momentarily flicked black as well.
The tendrils released just a fraction, the pulled back tighter than before.
,,You attempt to use my own power against me?" Tewe called.
,,Your power? You were given the Darkness as a gift, temporarily. You stole it. It never belonged to you, or fit well with your powers. I was born with it. Made of it. It is as much part of me as you are part of this planet."
Tewe winced and grew still. A vein appeared on his neck. He was straining against his bongs, making no progress.
,,How does it feel, being at someone else's mercy?" Aurora asked. That emotionless, monotone voice made all the hairs on his body stand on end.
,,You can't... defeat me!"
Aurora shook her head. ,,You don't understand, do you. I will destroy your very essence, even if it's the world goes with you."
,,Will you kill your mortal lover too? And that boy you treasure so much? That's what will happen if you destroy me."
Peter took a sharp breath.
,,Talk of the defeated. You know you are lost and try to play on the feelings I no longer have."
,,That's not true!" Peter yelled. She didn't notice how close he got. Shock flickered across her face, breaking the mask a little.
He moved between her and Tewe.
,,Out of my way, stupid child, or I will kill you."
,,No you won't. You can't kill me. You love me."
She shook her head. ,,Love is for fools. I don't care about anyone anymore."
,,I know you. Caring is what you are. You care so much it hurts you, but you do it anyway."
He could swear the darkness in her eyes faded just a fraction. Or maybe he just so desperately hoped for it, he was seeing things.
,,Listen to the boy!" Tewe called.
He lost her. She moved her attention back to Tewe, who screamed in agony.
Frost grew around Peter's claws so fast, it cut through his scales.
,,You care about me. You love Karax and my mother. You love Cass," that last name made her stiffen. You were hurt too deep. That's why you are doing this."
Tewe was about to interject again but Peter growled and forced his mouth shut. It was easy, the Eternal had no way of fighting back. It sickened him.
Her eyes widened. This time the fading was real. But then she blinked and the black void was back.
He growled and shifted, reaching his hand toward her. She stood frozen, staring.

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