Serena's eyes drifted to her Klaus's, she whispered a I love you, before her eyes fully closed. Klaus let tears fall out his eyes as he dropped down on his knees next to her body. " I love you, more."

Not even a second after, the wind started to pick up and thunder occurred along with lightning. Leaves started forming in a circle just like a tornado and spun to where Serena's body laid. Klaus moved back slightly.

The leaves circled around the Salvatore's body. Serena's body started to glow a white and gold color. Her eyes snapped open as her body starts to float up in the air allowing her to stand up straight. Klaus and Damon gasp from beside her watching as she removes the dagger from her chest.

Serena felt her magic get stronger and felt it at her finger tips, wanting to be released. The leaves stopped circling Serena and placed her down on the floor. Serena was seeking for nothing but revenge. Serena looks to Mikeal who laughs, She sees Katherine who was now fully healed up, she rushes up behind Klaus, before she could do anything Serena lifted her hand up and Katherine's neck snapped harshly causing her to fall on the floor. Damon stands besides watching his sister with a stake in his hands.

Serena turns to Mikeal who held a look of shock in his eyes, he looked away from Katherine's body before looking at Serena. Serena floated making her higher than Mikeal by an inch. Serena raised her hands that were still glowing white and gold up and immediately vines came up from the ground and attached themselves to Mikeal's arms tightly making him groan and drop to his knees at the force.

Mikeal began to breath heavily and looked at the women in fear. Klaus was shocked to see the fear his father held. Mikeal never expected for this to happen. He never expected to meet the most powerful being on earth....Mother Nature....

Damon and Klaus watched the girl in awe. Serena turns to Damon and holds her hand out. Damon knowing what she's asking for passes her the stake. Serena floats toward Klaus and takes his right hand placing the stake in his hand. She places her still light up hand on his cheek. " You got this." Serena kisses his cheek as Serena floats back over to Mikeal.

Klaus slowly walks towards his father who is struggling to get out of the grip of the vines. Klaus places a hand on his father's shoulder. " Anything left to say, father?" Klaus spits out.

" Your a pathetic brat." Mikeal spat back and with that Klaus stabbed him in the chest. Klaus twists the stake in his chest as Mikeal takes his final breath. Klaus takes a step back watching his body fall as Serena let the vines go. Mikeal's body then turns up into flames.

Klaus looks to Serena who was floating back to the floor. Once she landed she turned to her two boys. Klaus and Damon both sped at her and pulled her into a hug.

" Are you okay?" The boys both asked as they pulled away.

" I'm fine, I just need sleep. So I can have enough energy to think about what happened today." Serena chuckles at the end.

" You have no idea how I felt in those 3 seconds of seeing your dead body." Damon kisses his sisters head. " Is it okay if I stay with you?"

" Of course, Dames." She smiles lightly before linking their arms. They go to walk in, but Stefan steps in front of them.

Serena's hands instantly starts to glow again as she looks to her brother. " ITS YOUR FAULT I ALMOST FUCKING DIED."

" What the hell is wrong with you, did you know she—." Damon begins.

" This is a conversation for when you aren't as weak." Klaus kisses Serena's head as he wraps his arm around her waist. He didn't want to leave her side anytime soon. " He's earned his freedom. Let him go."

Stefan not meeting his siblings eyes, faces Klaus. " Thank you my friend. You no longer have to do as I say. You're free." Klaus un-compels Stefan. Stefan looks where his siblings were and leaves.

" I can't believe him." Serena whispers.

" Let's go home." Klaus whispers picking her up and speeding away, having Damon follow.


Serena was laying in bed as she looked over her hands. She wanted to know what the hell she was now.

Klaus came out the bathroom with only sweatpants on as his eyes immediately went to Serena watching as she was still looking her hands over.

" I know what you are." Klaus states snapping Serena out her little bubble. " I can tell you if you like." Klaus throws his dirty clothes in the hamper before walking over to the bed and getting in besides her.

" I wanted to wait for the morning, but you can tell me now." Serena looks to him turning her body so she could face him.

" You are now the most powerful being in the world." Klaus starts. " Mother Nature." He completes.

Serena looks at him shocked. " Are you for real?"

" I am. I can tell by your powers. There were always rumors going around about how a beautiful woman that was a worthy of nature will become the mother of it all and it happens to be you." Klaus explains.

" And they chose me?" Serena whispers. " Why me?" She looks at Klaus.

" Your worthy of it all, love." Klaus smiles making Serena smile slightly.

Serena shifted closer to Klaus, laying her head on his chest as her arms wrapped around his torso. Klaus then wraps his arms around her.

" Thank you." Klaus breaks the silence.

Serena looks up at him and he looks down at her. " For what?" Serena's voice comes out soft.

" For helping me defeat Mikeal." Klaus says.

Serena shakes her head. " You don't have to thank me, I told you we were in the together." Serena whispers. " And I wasn't going to let him do anything to you."

" Why after everything I've done, you constantly stay by my side through it all and help me." Klaus asks quietly.

Serena states into his eyes for a moment. " Because I love you, Niklaus. So much."

Klaus stares at her just like she did to him. He lets his eyes roam her face as he tries to see if there was any lie. They said it earlier, but it wasn't the same. Especially because she didn't hear him say it back.

" I love you, more my love." Klaus whispers.

" Kiss me, Nik." Serena whispers as her eyes roam down to his lip.

" With much pleasure." Klaus says before leaning down and pulling her into a kiss. Serena got up slightly and moving her left leg around Klaus's waist so she was able to straddle him. Klaus pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. Serena let her hands roam down his chest.

" You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that, again." Klaus whispers against her lips as he pulls away slightly.

" You have no idea how long I've been waiting." Serena whispers back. Klaus chuckles and kisses her nose making Serena giggle. Serena lays her head back in Klaus's chest as she still straddles him. Klaus once again wraps his arms around her waist.

" Your warm." Serena states as she cuddle into Klaus more.

" Thank you, my love." Klaus chuckles letting her cuddle into him. When he sees she's comfortable, He kisses her head and Serena pecks his chest before the silence allowed them to both drift asleep.



Any comments?

I loved writing this and of course I had to make Serena worth❤️!!

Let me know what you guys think?!

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