Extra 13

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After tossing around for most of the day, Su Qian didn't have the strength to get out of bed, and the first day of her honeymoon passed in such a hurry.

The next morning, the two got up early.

It snowed all night, and now it stopped. The ski resort has been sorted out by the staff and opened on time.

Lu Yan is not used to hotels. He has bought a small foreign-style house in this resort a long time ago and lives briefly every year when skiing. Although he hasn't come back in recent years, he still hires people to clean it regularly.

Deciding to take a vacation in this area, Lu Yan arranged for his secretary to take care of everything early, including the ski suits prepared for Su Qian.

He likes red and white by himself, and prefers Su Qian to wear red. He specially chose a couple style for ski suits.

Su Qian skied for the first time. After wearing her ski suit, she was worried about the skateboard. She was a beginner and was not suitable for veneerboarding. Lu Yan chose a double board for her. In terms of the choice of ski resort, she also carefully selected a suitable place for beginners.

"Sit down."

Lu Yan straighten out his ski suit and saw her staring at the skateboard in a daze. He came over and squatted in front of her, "Stretch out."

"What are you doing?"

"Help you put on your shoes."


Su Qian sat obediently. Lu Yan grabged her white jade-like little feet, put on thick wool socks for her, and then took her boots to help her put them on.

The man acted softly, as if he was afraid of hurting her. His slender fingers helped her button the lock on the top of his ski boots. After buttoning, he checked it carefully for fear of making mistakes.

"Try to walk."

Only when both shoes were put on did Lu Yan get up.

Ski boots are different from shoes with general heels. In order to protect the feet, the shell is hard and not easy to twist and turn.

Su Qian tried to take a few steps, which was very stiff, just like a toddler penguin.

Lu Yan couldn't help laughing when he looked at her stupid appearance.

"Little fool."

Reach out and rubbed the top of her head, and Lu Yan teased her with a smile.

Su Qian protested dissatisfiedly, "You make fun of me again."

"It's not a joke."

"Small, stupid, egg!" She bit the word clearly and learned his tone word by word, "What's not a joke?"

Lu Yan looked at her with his head tilted, bent the corners of his mouth slightly, and said solemnly, "Love name."

Su Qian has a black line: "..."

Just as he was about to argue with him, he suddenly held his cheek, lowered his head and kissed her lips heavily. He said hoarsely, "It belongs to me."

Originally, she was still angry. After being kissed like this by him, Su Qian suddenly lost her temper, and all her depression disappeared in an instant.

Lu Yan held the snowboard in one hand and stretched out a hand to her, "Come on, hold it tightly."

Su Qian stared at the palm of his hand, bending her eyebrows, handed her hand to him, and then linked his fingers.

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