" Just let her go. You know she will literally never give up and I know you don't want me going out there." Stefan grabs a animal blood bag from his sisters bag.

" Yeah, I will not give up. Might as well let me go." Serena passes Stefan Milo and goes to get up but Klaus grabs her waist and places her back on his lap.

" How do I know you'll come back?" Klaus whispers in her ear. Serena could hear the insecureness in his voice.

Serena turns and places her hand on Klaus cheek using her thumb to run over his cheekbone gently. " I will not leave you. I promise with everything in me that I'll come back and for you to know that I will I'll even leave Milo."

Klaus glances over her face for any sort of lied. Seeing none he sighs and nods leaning forward to kiss her lip.

" You can take Milo. He needs a walk anyway." Klaus tells her as they pull away.

" Okay." Serena smiles as she grabs Milo from Stefan and walks out the bar.

" She'll come back." Stefan reassures Klaus.

" For you." Klaus replies.

" And you too." Stefan pats his shoulder before going back over to Ray.


Andie's talking in the phone as she walks through the studio. " Yeah, Uh huh. Uh huh. Bye" Andie waves and whispers to man passing by. Back to the phone again. "!Uh huh. Okay, I, I am the last person here again." The lights in the room go out.

" Days of work, please can we do this in the a.m.? I have a party I have to get to, and you gotta get a life! Okay, all right. Bye, bye." Andie walks into studio 3 and picks up her bag. She turns around ready to leave when suddenly a bright spotlight pointing at her turns on and blinds her.

" Hello? Not cool. My retinas are burning."She steps out of the light but the light moves and shines on her again.

" Okay, Okay. Seriously who'd...? What the hell are you doing?" There's no answer. Suddenly the light turns off.

" Hello? Hello?" Andie calls before she starts to run for the exit but falls over a wire. The light comes back on and a person walks in front of the light. She gets up and tries to run, but Serena is suddenly in front of her. What? Serena loves dramatic affects.

" Ohh! Serena!? Oh my god! Oh my god, what are you doing here? We have been looking everywhere for you!" Andie smiles at her.

" I need you to text Damon for me, but tell him it's an emergency and you need him." Serena compels Andie as she watches Milo roam around the room. Serena knew she wasn't on vervain because she didn't smell it on it. Well she sorta took a guess. She also took a guess in saying that Damon kept Andie around only to keep himself from thinking about Elijah or even her and Stefan being gone.


" Andie?" Damon enters Studio 3 and finds a dog in the middle of the room. " What the hell is a dog doing in here?"

" He's mine. Isn't he adorable?" Serena walks to where Milo was leaning down to pet his head before looking back up at her big brother.

" Bambi?" Damon calls out softly, slowly walking to her.

" Hey, big brother." Serena smiles before speeding into her brother's arms. Damon took a minute as he was still trying to figure out if she was real or not. After finding out she was he immediately wrapped his arms around her squeezing her lightly.

ℑ𝔪𝔭𝔢𝔯𝔣𝔢𝔠𝔱 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 - 𝔑.𝔐𝔦𝔨𝔢𝔞𝔩𝔰𝔬𝔫Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum