The soldier holding the blue quill leant forward. "Thema?" He placed the quill down on the parchment and joined his hands. The gloved knuckles stained a light red. The metal clanked together as he raised the joined fingers to his nose. "Free to go on Royal Athrolilan Afflictions,"

They dragged Marlin out of the line. Stumbling over the stones. Her legs gave way and her knees grazed the stones. The gritted hiss from her lips silenced as she saw Collin.

Metal gloves held his arms. His pink hair ruffled as they pulled it back. Marlin swore and stood up. He wasn't cooperating with them. Collin threw a soldier off him and his fists came in contact with metal. The soldier stumbled back twisting the helmet. The blue feather waved as he continued to twist the helmet until it returned to its original position.

Several others saw the commotion Collin had caused. More blue-tinted soldiers gathered, grabbing onto him. Marlin stood there. Frozen. Her body refused to move.

They pulled Collins head back. His pink hair twisted underneath silver fingers.

"I shall ask you a final time. What is your name?" Another soldier with a quill echoed.

"Collin Solimare," He spat. Collin whimpered as they pulled his head back further. His chin facing the sky. Marlin watched the ocean of silver and blue. With Collin trapped in the middle.

"Your past inhabitant?" The soldier questioned scribbling on the parchment.

Collin obeyed, "The Court of Koroisau," The lied gritted between his teeth. They dragged Collin out of the line as they did with Marlin, and let go of him as he reached the stones.


"Are you okay?" Marlin whispered grabbing his arm, holding herself upright on him. Collin nodded in return, holding her ringed hand. The peal was hidden underneath her cloak.

"What did you say?" Collin mumbled rubbing his jaw.

"My name, my father and the Court of Pollioux," Marlin responded turned to him. "What do we do, we can't live like this. Fighting for our lives to get into a country we don't even know will accept us,"

"At this point Marlin we're not living. Just surviving,"


Philip placed his amour on the table near the fireplace. The ash weltering away the stench of metal and blood. He gritted his teeth as he slid off the sliver encrusted with a blue chest plate. A small put painful bruise covered his collar bone.

"How was your day?" His wife asked greeting him with a passionate kiss, avoiding placing her hands on his chest.

"Manageable," He whispered pulling away from her. "Where are the children?" Philip questioned taking another section of his armor off.

"Bed," His wife responded, looking towards the dark twin rooms behind them.

"We had to look into the immigrants seeking refugee today. Some didn't cooperate,"

His wife hummed in response, taking off one of his armored cuffs. "Have you heard anything about her Royal Highness?"

"No, she hasn't been spotted in the country in near 7 months,"


The white armored official grinned. A list of names dripped in black ink echoed shattered memories, pasts and dreams. They will be ended at dawn tomorrow morning. Their blood split for treason. One name however echoed the most. Collin Solimare.


Marlin tightly squeezed Collin's hand. Swallowing hard Marlin stepped forward, her hand slipping out of his grasp. The sun breaking over the horizon in the distance. Dawn had come.

Collin's scream severed through the air as Marlin clutched her stomach. Watching his love fall to her knees. The metal armored hands holding him back.

The red liquid pooled in her hands. The tip of the sword stuck out through the back of her cloak. Her mouth parted filling with blood. Collin's screams flicked across the border. His pleading went unanswered as the blade retreated into the hip of the commander. His white armor stained a crimson red. Marlin fell back onto the concrete. Her body twitched and spasmed as the blood dripped onto the concrete.

Collin threw himself forward to her. His throat was burning and his eyes were red. The blue armored hands scratched his arms as he escaped their metallic grip. Running over the stones that the blood has been snaking upon.

His body heaved at the sight of her. Collin raised a hand to his mouth. Holding a scream. The ends of her white hair dyed a bright red. Her red cloak was sodden with her blood. Collin screamed a final time. His lungs crying out for her. His heart held onto the remaining moments with her. A face of shock was hidden underneath her calm face as the blade entered her body. Her grey eyes lost the light she had. Collin clutched onto her hand. The remains of her blood from her stomach dripped from her hand.

The blade slit Collin's head from his body.

The commander echoed over their lifeless bodies. His white amour was a bright splattered red. "Collin Solimare has been executed on the terms of afflictions with Azrael King of Eramada. Athrolila does not tolerate treason and possible treason,"

He paused. The silence grew in the large body of soldiers, their blood dripping over the pavement and snaking its way to the soldiers' feet. "Marlin Thema has been executed on the terms of future matrimony and afflictions with Collin Solimare. All those who have afflictions with Eramada seeking refuge will be destroyed."


Dear Philip,

I regret to inform you of my sudden displacement. I deeply apologies for not saying goodbye. You mean very much to me Philip, and I hope your wife and children are well. My condolences for leaving. Athrolila means much to me, and I am currently undercover in Eramada.

I would hope to ask you for a favor. I believe you have been stationed as a guard along the Brookthurst path on the Boarders to Athrolila. A friend and her lover have recently escaped the country and sought refuge in Athrolila so Collin would not be sent to the battlefield and so Marlin would not be sent to war for her court. Marlin Thema and Collin Solimare are given permission to enter the country under my command.

Please help them enter the country. Keep them safe. Keep yourself safe Philip. I love you, always have. Yours in sincerity,

Evelynn Athellia.


Philip clutched the torn letter in his slivered gloved hands. Falling to his knees he placed his hands to his head. Shaking he wrote one back. Their lifeless bodies filled his head. Collin's misplaced head and Marlin's blood ridden cloak.


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