Chapter Twenty Seven

Start from the beginning

    Im just hoping it'll be enough for my buyers to get off the avengers backs and give me the money. Then I can split off from this. I know. I'm a broken record at this point. I'll be right one of these times though?

    Right.. anyway. I'm in their hanger which is ginormous. Who would think they'd have so many toys? Oh yeah. Tony.

     Luckily the jet is also ginormous so it wasn't like I had to look for it. I just had to make my way over there. I scoped this out yesterday and no one really comes in here except Tony unless they're going on a mission. I was able to hack into part of their system to know if they were called on a mission.

      It's been dead silent all day. So I should be good to go. But I'm still overly cautious. And this pays off as I hear some voices. One I quickly recognize as Steve's and then a females voice that pulls me right in. It's low and raspy and oh so sexy. I'm still (partly) human, okay?

     And that's when I spot the short red head talking to Steve. Damn. It's a good thing no one can see me because I'm pretty sure I drooled a little bit. She's beautiful. And she carries herself with a confidence that demands attention. So it's almost not my fault for giving her attention?

   That's when I finally tune into what they're saying. I've gotten better at the listening thing, obviously. But to be fair to me, if you saw her, you'd understand how I got distracted.

   "All we really have is some guys vague description about some random person that seemed to vanish into thin air. Thick black hoodie covering their head. Black pants and boots. Mask covering their face. It's consistent to what we believe the Ghost wears, but nothing really concrete. They confirmed for sure they're under 6 foot. Which our hydra rat also told us. Seems he's been telling us the truth about everything so far."

      "So he's a reliable rat. Was there anything else?"

     "Not really. He was too far away to hear if they said anything and they were alone, so it's likely they didn't. So we can't confirm the rats story of them having deep voice."

  "Great so the Ghost is still possibly a guy under six foot? Yeah, that really helps narrow it down." He pauses here, no idea why. "Alright, well where was this at least? Maybe we can go search the location. Maybe we'll get lucky."

   "Scotland. Just outside of Stirling."

      Mm I did do a job there a while back, when I was dipping my toes back in. I was a tad rusty but I didn't think anyone saw me. Then again, that was months ago.. their information is slow. No wonder I was able to keep ahead for so long. And because of my skills, obviously.

   "Let's get the crew around. We'll go check it out." 

They seemed to be walking away so I let out a breath of relief. Though I was a little worried at first, the conversation just put me more at ease. They had absolutely nothing on me. I almost laughed, but didn't want to make my presence known.

   Instead I continued on my way to the quinjet at a little faster pace seeming as though they may take off to go find me. This whole scenario was just hilarious. I almost felt bad as I was friends with some of them, but come on? I have them literally going in circles and I'm not even trying.

      I will take this opportunity to remind you of the fact that I'm not on the avengers side. Though some of my morals have changed and grown a bit in focus, I'm still not the good guy. What, you think they'd just accept my apology and let me go? Hell no.

   I finally spot the quinjet, immediately bringing my focus back to the job.

  There was so little info on the jet already that I had to guess there'd be a place for the flash drive to extract whatever I could get my hands on. Makes sense there isn't a lot of info on the jet and why these guys want what they can get; knowing the layout of the avengers jet could help in an attack. They had lowered the jets door, much to my pleasure. Though I guess that means they're leaving soon.

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