S e v e n t y - E i g h t

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I adjusted myself, nodding, "Go ahead."

"What's going on with you? I mean, you have this brave look on, this really stern, serious, everything's not as bad as it seems, look, and I'm just... concerned."

I couldn't help but chuckle, shaking my head, "I'm not really thinking what my face is showing. The reality of it... I'm really really scared... of what's gonna happen to you and the baby, and I'm currently blaming myself for this whole thing that's happening to you. It'll be my fault."

"I don't want you to think like it's like that, Nick, I know— and I want to tell you— that it's not all your fault. It's no one but mine's, and if you don't think that would be necessary, then it would be both our faults."

I nodded and stared at her hand for a minute before taking it. "You have such long fingers... Look at mine, they're so stubbed and short."

Kendall chuckled, "That's because I'm really tall and you're... not as tall. Can I see your fingers?"

I was hesitant before handing her my hand, in which she suppressed a laugh, "Oh my God, they're so cute... do you bite your fingernails!?" she said incredulously. "Oh my God, that is so childish of you..."

"Don't criticize my nails," I said, pouting.

"I didn't criticize them, I just—"

Before she could say what she was doing with my nails, the door opened and the Doctor entered the room. I met this one already. His name was Kendrick.

"Any news?" I said, getting up, hands still hooked with Kendall's fingers. She clung to it.

The doctor looked down, "Since your um, girlfriend was pregnant during your 'trip', I guess it's safe to say there was a chance that she could have had an impact on the baby when she... hit the ground."

I swallowed the lump in my throat and spoke up, "Did you take tests?"

I glanced back at Kendall, who stared up at me, a concerned look on her face as I squeezed her hand tightly.

"We did some tests, we did a sonogram and all that, and I hate to break it to you, but... There might've been a little damage done to the baby while you tripped. Now, I would like to ask some more questions to be clear—"

"I want you to be clear with me, Doc," I interrupted, stepping in front of the bed so the doctor couldn't come in contact with Kendall. "What the fuck is wrong with my girlfriend?"

He looked pretty stunned that I had said that right to his face, but I need to know the exact answer, not a bunch of blabber.

"Well, you see, we don't... know."

I couldn't help but laugh, "You don't know? Oh, wow... that's just... that's just great... I'm gonna fucking get out of here—"

"Nick!" Kendall exclaimed sharply, making me sigh. "Let them ask the question so they can become clear about what's wrong with me or the baby. You need to be a bit more patient with how slow this is going."

I rubbed my face and turned to the doctor, giving him an annoyed look as I stepped aside.

The doctor cleared his throat and turned to Kendall, clipboard at the ready, "I know we already asked these questions once, but I want you to be a bit more describing... How did you fall?"

I tried to comfort her while her eyes were blank, trying to revise all that had happened that minute I had tripped over a damn rock. To be true to me, it was all my fault. I was just... clumsy. 

"I don't really remember how I fell because I was really distracted by a giant ape and the fact that I was on his back," Kendall said, looking up at me. 

I couldn't help but frown. I then mouthed to her as she kept smiling, "You were thinking of me?"

She nodded before turning back to the doctor, who was talking again.

"Alright, so when was the minute you knew that you were falling? Like, what were the feelings you were having at that moment?"

Kendall's eyebrows slid down the bridge of her nose in deep thinking. "I knew that I was falling when I felt Nick go down. I flew off his shoulder, not in slow motion, but I like, flew to the ground, and hit my chest first. Then, my stomach landed in like a... roll or something."

The doctor nodded and looked up at me before turning to Kendall, "Is it OK if I take a look and a feel—?"

"Yeah, totally," Kendall answered, a bit too quickly. "My stomach?"

"Yeah, your stomach. Just lift the shirt— thank you..." He started to look at it. From the side, the top, and then when he placed his hand on her stomach, I nearly jumped, but Kendall had a squeeze of my hand.

"I think we might need to take another look at the sonogram," he said to his nurses. 

They nodded and the doctor got up, "There is a weird feeling I get from how your abdomen is shaped but I cannot be sure, so... Yes, I will get back to you as soon as we get the results..."

I nodded and they scurried out of the room. I was surprised when I turned back to Kendall, she had tears in her eyes, and her lips were trembling as she stared down at her hands.

"I'm honestly fucked," she said, making me shake my head as I perched myself at the side of her bed. "Like, what kind of mom am I? I should've listened to you, Nick, you were right... You're always right... I'm a reckless bitch..."

I shook my head as I took her shaking hands, "No, you're not a reckless bitch, you never will be... You're confident, smart, and the most bad-ass woman I have ever seen. You will be the best mom to this kid—"

"What if she doesn't live!?" Kendall bursts out. "What if I kill her!?"

"Don't say that, she will live. You just gotta believe it."

"I want to, Nick, I really wanna believe that she's gonna survive, but it's so hard to."

I nodded sourly, pressing my lips into a line, "I know... I really understand, but I just want you to be strong, be strong for me, for the baby... We'll get through this together, I promise. All you gotta do is believe."

Kendall nodded and brought my knuckles to her lips, kissing it softly.

"I love you..."

I smiled and leaned down to kiss her temple, "I love you, too."

_ _ _

I'm not a sentimental person, but writing this, was so... new to me... I think I'm gonna go cry to myself now, bye...

Psst, don't forget to vote and comment. Give me your feelings on Kendall! I never really made my mind about the baby, though... She might be in mortal danger, yet again, Kendall feels fine...

Last Night | Nick Jonas x Kendall Jenner {COMPLETED}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat