Damon and I walk in with our arm linked as the Historical Society's Tea Party has commenced.

We enter the house about to walk to Carol only to be intercepted by Jenna.

" Damon, what are you doing here and who is this?" Jenna looked me over.

" Hi, I'm Serena Salvatore. Stefan's twin. You must be Jenna, Elena's aunt." I smile remembering what Damon told me on the way here.

" I didn't know Stefan had a twin but it's nice to meet you and your very beautiful." Jenna shakes my hand.

" Oh stop it, you are gorgeous." I smile at her again. If you couldn't tell I'm faking it. I hate human interaction but at the same time I love all the attention.

Andie then walks up to Jenna, Damon and I, notepad in hand. Damon looks over at her and smiles. She glares a bit at Serena not knowing who she was causing her to be jealous. " Hi. You came."

" Hi." Damon replied unlinking our arms
pecking Andie on the lips. As they separate Andie sends me a smug smile.

" And you are?" She raised a eyebrow at me confidently.

" Serena Salvatore...Damon's little bad ass sister." I send her a fake smile. She sticks her hand out to me, but I only stare at it before raising a eyebrow at her. She slowly puts her hand down.

Jenna watched still shocked on what she just witnessed. Damon noticing speaks up. " Thanks for introducing us, Jenna."

Damon grabs my hand dragging me to follow him.

" You know I don't really like that news girl." I state as we approach Carol and Elijah.

" She's not for you to like." Damon retorts as we finally approach them.

" Damon." Carol happily greets.

" Carol." Damon sends her a big friendly smile. Damon and Carol exchange kisses on the cheek.

" Hi, I'm Serena Salvatore, Stefan's twin." I introduce shaking her hand nicely.

" Carol Lockwood, Tyler's mother. Do you know him?" She asked politely.

" Doesn't ring a bell sorry." I shake my head.

" No worries." She waves off before looking back to Elijah. " Hi. Elijah, I want you to meet Damon and Serena Salvatore. Their family is one of Mystic Falls' founding families.

" Mm-hm." Damon smirks while looking at Elijah while send him a warm happy smile. I extend my hand for him to shake only for him to kiss the back of it. Damon coughs making Elijah let go of my hand. I send Damon a look only for him to roll his eyes. " Such a pleasure to meet you."

" No. Pleasure's mine." Damon and Elijah shake hands.


Damon opens the door to the study and gestures for Elijah and I to enter. Damon follows behind and shuts the door behind him.

" What can I do for you, Damon?" Elijah's accent cut through the silence.

" Am I not visible, Lijah?" I pout at him.

" My apologies, little sister." Elijah smiles at me softly. My eyes softened at the name. He hasn't called me that since before I started dating Nik.

Damon not liking the interaction cut his sister off before she could speak again. " I was hoping we could have a word."

" Where's Elena?" Elijah questions.

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