Chapter 119

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I got accepted! I can't believe it!

My friends and I looked over once more into the plastered paper, my name was in there as well some of my mother's friends. The security guard weren't minding us while we hopped around the gate and took pictures of the students who passed the exam.

"We passed!"

The four of us hugged each other, huddled together with big smiles that almost reach our ears— we were so happy that we forgot that we were creating shrieking noises before we got softly reprimanded by one of the security guards.

"Sorry" we meekly apologized before going out of the university. It was very small compared to Morong; much smaller than our high school and senior building.

The food though was amazing, there were so many food stalls all around, just before we enter the gate there was cheap tasty food waiting for us. The hospital was also seconds away from our school and numerous eatery on the side of the school as well as burger booth and a computer shop.

"What about Kaye?"

She's the one were worrying about besides Pauline who didn't attend the entrance exam due to an unknown reason. Kaye's name wasn't listed on the students that passed the exam— even on the waiting list, her name was absent.

"What are we gonna tell her?" Jeline and I were both worried, Kaye has after all been so gloomy after contacting chicken fox and having her face littered with it.

"Should we just tell her? We've asked the guard and they already said that these are all the names" Alex proposed, it was only Kaye that didn't get to pass in this university even after reviewing for so long. She even brought her notes on the day of the exam.

"But there's another batch of exams, right? They told us she could go there" Emil suddenly says and we all had hope, soon we talked to Kaye and as expected she burst crying.

I and Jeline decided to go to her place while Alex and Emil left, especially Alex she's one of our friends who have a strict family and is a homebody.

The moment we reached Kaye's place her parents were nowhere to be seen. We called out for her and her younger sister came to take us to her room.

Kaye's face was blotched in red after crying, she almost couldn't breathe well and had her mother urging her to breathe and calming her down.

"Your friends are here, see! They might have news for you! If not we could apply for a private college- there's no worry that you'll not be able to attend college!" Her mother choked and she leave Kaye on our hands after wiping her tears.

Jeline stood by Kaye's side and made her drink water while I patted her back, brushing her hair softly then wiping her tears away with a dried towel.

"Okay no more crying huh, you have no more tears to cry" I gently removed the stray hairs sticking on her forehead as she hiccups from crying too much.

"We asked the guards and they said there's another batch that could take the entrance exam this month. You still have a chance" Jeline soothes her on the side while she shakes her head.

"No... hic... I didn't- didn't pass... ugh"

"You still have an opportunity, you're young and hardworking. I don't believe that someone like you won't achieve a successful career" I held her hand tightly and said those words with firmness. I know how much work she puts through, the effort that wasn't seen much, and how she does her best to achieve success.

The two of us were so distressed to see Kaye like this that we made sure she stop crying before leaving her home.

I closed the door to myself after disclosing to my family the results of my exam. Mom immediately brought a whole chicken and cooked a sumptuous meal to celebrate my passing in my chosen university.

I called Eric and wanted to tell him the news but he's unable to answer my call. Even with my messages this morning he still hasn't seen it.

Maybe he wasn't at home or his phone is low batt, either way, he'll call me after seeing my messages.

Fun fact: Kaye didn't pass the entrance exam to her first chosen university which is the university half of our friends are attending. She did go to a private college in the course of education majoring in Filipino.

Chapter 119 is up!

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