Chapter 61

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High school was like another extension of elementary school though there have been new things and opportunities surrounding it, everyone is changing and is still is unlike the past childhood naivety.

Senior high, was new for me even though it had been a year since it was proclaimed and integrated into the education world.

It was unlike high school where you could still see some of your old friends covering half of the population of the class, here, there's only five or three of you who knew each other and by a stroke of luck, it could be someone you're close to.

The first time I arrived at the familiar school grounds for the senior high orientation that will happen today, I had a hard time finding my section since my eyes were already blurring.

There was a sea of people, we were like fishes swimming in the best sea yet could still fill the entire one-fourth of space. I sat on the ground but before that, I put a paper on the ground to avoid getting my pants dirtied. Everywhere you look all you could see was the vivid color of blue flashing in your eyes, it was like we're workers of a water company.

"Hello, um... is this layunan?" I look behind me and saw a girl, I nodded at her and she smiled in response before sitting in the space just behind my back. 

In my front, I saw a girl with voluminous hair with her eyes head down as her finger flipped another page of her book, it looks like it got a thousand pages just by the look of it.

I saw some students with familiar faces, new ones that I covertly observed. My phone buzzed and I opened it to see the flash of message that came from Eric.

Eric: How is your section? Have you met someone you know? Are you comfortable there?

I smiled at his show of concern, he has always been like this, considerate and sweet that he would sometimes come to my house and just hang out with me. Of course, it was with permission from my mother or to my brothers who still couldn't quite accept the fact that I have a boyfriend.

Ange: I'm fine, how about on your side? Didn't your friend also apply for the same course as you?

He's in the TVL strand and taking ICT with his friend though they might be separated since there are three sections in one course and sometimes more but only one section in the GAS strand.

Eric: We're classmates, there's a lot of boys here

I felt a slight relief to hear that, even though there's still a slight chance of having girls becoming his classmates I still felt my anxiousness leave.

It was this one thing that I hate but couldn't take away jealousy. What's more, he was too kind, too gentle to others and I felt that I wouldn't be enough for him.

There's always this anxiety that creeps its way into my mind at some point, there are times that I would just get angry at him for being so close to girls, and I hated myself for that.

We didn't get to talk much since the orientation started, the next thing I knew I was already in our new classroom, just neighbors with the school's library.

"Hello, everyone! My name is Aleen Barmon and you can call me Ma'am Aleen. I will be your adviser for this semester. Now, I want you all to introduce yourself to the class, one by one, and tell the class your dream"

It started on the first line, I was on the third with someone I knew but not very close to and I watch my new classmates introducing themselves and feel the excitement as well as the nervousness that is displayed in their introduction.

Then it was my turn and I clutch my cold and clammy hand before opening my lips.

"My name is Angelica and I am 18 years old. I chose this strand because my dream is to be a teacher"

Chapter 61 is up!

Fun Fact: Our classroom (ange is my classmate) is beside the library, I revised the name of our real adviser, and yes, Ange's dream is to be a teacher.

Have a great day everyone and stays safe!

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