Chapter 43

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Since the month of September arrived, the spirit of Christmas that was in slumber has now awoken. Everywhere you look you would see a touch of Christmas decors that was hung in every house, shades of colorful vivid lights twinkled in the night like vivid stars along with the music that was on repeat on the radio.

As you walk out of the street you'll see every store which hung parols and glittery decorations in the shade of red and green out of their store. Gift wraps, toys, clothes for all ages, Christmas lights as well as trees were one of the main focuses of their business.

I open the door to see the group of children who usually ran out to play in the street and whose children were always poking fun at us was now smiling at me with bright eyes.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way~"

A group of children has already started their tradition, singing Christmas songs and the overly used Jingle bell song that they all loved, they shake their self-made tambourines, as well as the empty cans acting as their drums, thrummed as they sang with all their might.

(AN: Tambourines we're usually made of bottle caps and strung into a wire by children to use for their carolings)

"Don't you think it's too early?"

With my hands on my hips, I watch them moved their lips and argue with me.

"It's not! It's already ber month!"

"That's right just give us the money!" Oh my goodness, these children are too entitled and think their bones are already had enough.

(AN: Ber month signifies the start of Christmas season and it usually lasts until January)

"Here, go and sing to the others" my mother pushed past the door and gave them 5 pesos, and told me. "You should give them at least that money, they're just children"

"Oh my gosh, ma they're not! Their mischievous children, unlike my baby cousin!"

She just shook her hand at me while I did the same to her. Before long I entered our house who is bare of any Christmas decorations since our religion doesn't allow us to celebrate it. I can only savor the unique ambiance that Christmas gives and not celebrate it with my family.

As soon as I enter the living room, I saw my eldest brother, Richard, who has a dark expression on his face. I walk up to his direction and sat with him, he was usually the gentle and kind type of neither that I was glad I could have and for him to look this troubled I feel a bit uncomfortable. After all every time I was almost beaten by my mother with her powerful slipper, I could go behind my brother and let him negotiate the terms with our mother dearest.

(AN: Slippers, every Filipino have experienced getting hit by their mother with a slipper and it's just the level 1)

"What happened Kuya?"

"Hm? Nothing, just thinking" he smiled weakly and I saw him look at his phone every little second and I already had a hunch.

"Your girlfriend?"

It has been a year and a half since they've been together and he introduced her to our family after their first year together. She was a nice woman, my brother's co-worker before, and is very soft-spoken.

I laughed out loud after seeing his expression, it was like he's looking at me like I was an alien.

"No I'm not a mind reader Kuya but I am a woman and we have this thing called the sixth sense" I winked at him and urged him to tell me the reason for their fight which I tell you- took me so long my throat is already parched.

So my poor brother didn't tell her that he will be having a drink with his friends and she found out after seeing the photo that her friend on Facebook who coincidentally asks his friend posted their group picture. She got mad and didn't talk to him since she once forbid him to drink alcohol after getting gastritis a few months ago.

He in turn told her that it was just one time and that he's already fine, that his stomach hasn't felt that pain again but it was all for naught.

"My dearest brother, you are in the wrong-"

"What? I already-"

"Hep hep! You should know the rule; a woman is never in the wrong in the relationship- even if she is just treating it as nothing"

His expression fell and I almost had the urge to laugh at him. I mean I understand my brother's girlfriend after all I am also someone's girlfriend. If Eric went for a drink with his friend and didn't tell me I would have felt uncomfortable. I would understand his need of being with his friends and connecting with them but I hope he would at least tell me his plans so I wouldn't worry about his whereabouts and texted him constantly since I knew nothing of their plans.

"She just wanted you to avoid alcohol, it's for your good health and that was bad for you Kuya" I accused him and he can only rub his nape awkwardly.

"I'll apologize to her then"

"Tell her why you're wrong, don't just apologize but tell her what you're apologizing for"

It was the number one annoying thing that guys do when they're in a fight with their lovers. Just apologizing over and over again but not apologizing for that specific wrongdoing that they've done. It's just like telling someone you wanted to buy something but not telling her what is that something. 

Hopefully, this helps my brother or if not, he'll be single.

Chapter 43 is up!

Have a great day everyone and stays safe!

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