Chapter 23

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I breathe (You will never know)
I am alive (Everyone fails to love)
I can believe in at least that truth
Nothing lasts forever, nothing really matters

- Fairy tale, IU

I always thought that fate would lead me to 'the one' and that our lives would be intertwined like a vine forever.

But now, I think that fate has a funny way to put the two of us together, that no matter how much I resist and avoid him, it was fated that we would be together.

Togethme not in a romantic manner, it was just that we're in the same school and in the same room moreover, he already has a girlfriend and wouldn't lower myself to be his side chick or his spare tire.

"You're getting distracted Ange, what's the matter?" My mother was folding the clothes with me while the shirt in my hand lay messily on my lap.

"Nothing ma, just stress from the school" I heard her snort and say.

"Silly, if you're feeling stressed now imagine what I have to go through with all of you" her smile turned wan and I felt uncomfortable for reminding her of how hard it is after father left.

It was certainly hard at times when my mother would suddenly call for my father's name when she needed help and realizing that he won't be able to help her anymore. The mere fact that my mother hides her tears from us was heart-wrenching, something that I just accidentally seen when I was about to return to my room at midnight.

"Your right ma, did you know that my teacher sometimes brings along her child to our room and she would sometimes let the class babysit him! But he was cute so when I poke his cheeks he didn't cry and instead giggled, I almost fell in love with that baby! Ma, am I cute when I was a child?"

"You're not you're the noisiest out of the four! You love to cry when you can't see me and I remember-"

She continued to talk about my shenanigans when I was a child and laughed at every embarrassing thing that I did which soured my expression. We finished folding the mountain full clothes as we recall embarrassing memories of my childhood and not just mine but my brothers as well.

Shortly after, the sun peeked out of the sky and I'm already in my class before the sun opened up. Rubbing my eyes continuously as if it could lessen the drowsiness in me. I then remember that I still have one assigned unfinished after seeing one of my classmates scribbling on his notebook.

"Hey have you finished the assignment given the other day?" I asked Merlyn who was lost in her thoughts.

"Huh?" She was in a trance for so long when I sat beside her and took notice of her bag.

"Assignment" I answered and she finally gets it and opened her bag to give me her notebook. I didn't finish it yesterday since I was too preoccupied with my thoughts, besides, I'm just gonna read it for my inspiration to come.

As I started doing my assignment which was given to us by our English teacher who wanted for us to review a movie, I saw Eric on the windowpane accompanying a girl to her class I presume.

His eyes suddenly met mine and in a flash, he turned his head sideways and fasten his walk. I felt a slight tug in my heart but didn't think more of it, you can say that I ignore such feelings that would destroy someone's relationship.

The class helped me dilute the feelings that I wasn't supposed to be having and let my mind off of things that were borderline fantasy.

As we have lunch, I notice Meryl getting distracted like me and when I asked her, she just shook her head so I didn't ask more. Besides, we would have to prepare ourselves for a group meeting since we would have to act for a play that our English teacher asked.

Eric was also one of my group mates, just my luck.

Chapter 23 is up!

I believe in fate and also don't believe in it, weird right?

Have a great day everyone! Stay safe and happy!

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