Chapter 91

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I'm stupid, I know, I'm also too soft-hearted and my will is like that of a wheel pointing to any direction.

I'm what others call Marupok.

(AN: Marupok means “weak or fragile” in English. It is usually used to describe a person who always cries (almost always because of a broken heart) or to someone who easily falls in love. It’s usually mentioned when a group of friends teases one another)

I'm a foolish person in love I know, like those characters from a Filipino movie that gets back with their ex and forgive the men that once hurt them. I don't wanna be like them I swear but I couldn't help being one.

"Ange! Ah! You two are like a switch! On and off with your relationship!" It was Alex, she knew already that I have made up with Eric seeing him come to our room to go back home together.

Eric was quick on his feet and after seeing Alex entering the classroom, he run past the door without saying goodbye. A handful of sweets and a bottle of water were placed on my side as well as the tissues that I always forgot to buy.

I just endured her sermon for me, they say that it's those girls who haven't had a relationship with someone before that could easily give out relationship advice.

"Are you listening to me? You're thinking of Eric again don't you?" She says with her broad furrowed and tone strict.

"Hey why would I!" Sorry Alex, if I say the truth you would have sprayed on me even more.

"Enough of that" Georgia came in between and I felt grateful for her interference. "Ange is a full-fledged Marupok, we can't make her change"

Well, my gratitude has been lost into the wind, never mind these twins and I should focus more on our second anniversary.

There's only a week before the two of us celebrated two years of us being together. In a blink of an eye, we have already surpassed another year, the challenges and breakups were much harder compared to a year before.

I just hope that this year, we wouldn't have to face another breakup.



It was a bolt of lightning on a clear day after we learned of Aliyah, the transferee as well as a friend/ classmate of Georgia, who was jealous of Alex and Georgia's close relationship.

They do see tightly bound with each other like towns who couldn't do anything without the other.

"What happened?" I asked the two of them, it was clear that we have treated Georgia as our own and we have also reached out to Aliyah though she doesn't respond to our calls as much.

"She won't say anything" Georgia says, her face downcasted and I look at Alex who was also looking troubled.

We didn't want to exclude Aliyah, we don't have that intention and maybe she feels that we took her friend and close comrade has been robbed.

"She sent me a message yesterday" We both look at Alex and further talked about the message that was sent to her by Aliyah.

"She said she's jealous of me that... that it felt like Georgia wasn't her friend anymore-"

"That's ridiculous I'm still her friend!" Georgia stood up and we all could understand her sudden rise of emotion.

It didn't happen to us, mostly some of our old friends made new friends and vice versa but in their situation, the other party feels like she was abandoned for the new friends Georgia made and she has no one to turn to.

"Calm down, let's talk about it with Aliyah later" I say and the rest nodded, we all sat down in our seats and in the corner of my eyes I see Alex with her head hung down and Georgia who looks preoccupied.

Class resumes but we all have heavy hearts and it won't loosen until we have a proper conversation with Aliyah. Thankfully it's the last period and Aliyah has also responded positively to our invite, through passing notes, and we would talk about this problem after everyone left in the class.

Everyone rushed to their bags and run in fear of being called to clean, some took their time to chat with others and to ask if there's any assignments. Questions about who saw a red handkerchief, a pen being taken by the cleaners, and money that has been found by someone. The shout of one of our classmates who has his phone taken by one of his friends, others going upstairs to meet with their friends and the teachers roaming down the class urging everyone to leave.

"Aliyah" I was the one who was pushed to come to her side.

"Ange" both of us felt awkward, I have had some intersections with her but that was from doing practice and I wouldn't say that we're close with each other, we're barely acquaintances.

"Would you come and talk about it to us?" Her eyes snap up to me and within a second, nodded and I sigh in relief inwardly.

The two of us came where my friends waited, we couldn't stay in the classroom for too long so we could only go to the wooden seat facing the canteen.

"Let's talk?" Jeline started and then the rest were silent as the three protagonists for today's situation talks.

"Aliyah you know that I'll always be your friend right? I wouldn't abandon you, I'm not that kind of person" Georgia looks hurt and Aliyah bit her lower lip before saying.

"But it was so easy for you to be with them and I felt like you didn't even want to be with me-"

"That's ridiculous!"

"I know, I'm sorry for thinking that way" Georgia was still unconvinced and when Aliyah looked at Alex, she continued. "I felt so jealous of Alex and your new circle of friends. I- I just felt so alone. You were the one who I'm with when we left the school and it feels like I'm holding you back here"

Silence ensues and Alex came to hold Aliyah's hand and told her. "Then be a part of us, let's be friends"

That was the start of another friendship that has brought us joy and fulfillment in year 12.

Chapter 89 is up!

Fun Fact: There was indeed a situation where Aliyah was jealous of me, yes Alex is me, and sent me a message. But we're all good now!

Have a great day everyone and stays safe!

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