Chapter 12

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A person who reads my heart when we're together
Isn't there a person like that somewhere?
A person who becomes the sunlight when the rain falls
A person who is always the same, where are you?

- Daydream, IU

The sky was painted in a bright azure hue as the radiant rays of the sun pierced through with its mighty beam. The people busily went over with their work, some children ran along with their friend's hand in hand as the sun sent its extraordinary summer heat into our skin making it sweat.

Cars honking and roaring as they drove around into their selected destination, some were chattering into the streets while a lot was silent and focused on their phones, and I, I was here looking at the familiar pair of eyes from my father.

"Father dearest!" I gave him a big grin as I sat beside him, he didn't reek of any alcohol, and that I knew since he promised to stop drinking any more of that devil juice.

It was a nice act from him, something that should have happened earlier to prevent such problems and fights but I'm still glad that he managed to do it on his own, without mom's persuasion. This time I knew he's gonna make it through, what he promised is what he does.

"Yes, Angelica? What do you need from your father dearest?" I heard my mother's sarcastic voice from behind and turn around to see her pointed eyes on me.

"Well, mother... I was wondering if I could do with Irish today at you know? SM?" I said the last part in a whisper and see my mother rolling her eyes.

(AN: SM is a chain of shopping malls in the Philippines, the number one go-to of teenagers who wanted to go to make and do window shopping)

"You sure are the opposite of your name my dear, I thought I'll be released from the four children I bore who resembles satan's spawn but I didn't know you were one of them as well" she teased and I laughed loudly at her, my father chuckling deeply beside me.

"Mom, your four sons whose initials are all J must have gotten it from you, especially when you're super angry" I teased her, me and my mother have a much closer relationship than my father and we teased each other like this.

We're like sisters in some aspect, we tend to tell each other stories and our feeling, tease and joked about each other's shortcomings and reconcile all over again when fighting.

"Here" he gave me a 300 peso bill, no words were omitted between us and I hugged him tightly and run to my room making my mother sigh behind.

I'm my father's precious daughter, I mean I'm his only daughter and that made me more previous than those four sons of him. Besides that, I'm spoiled rotten by him, he would always give me money or treat me to nice food.

I feel like a princess whenever dad treats me like that, of course when he's sober as well, even though I'm not too close to my father and closer to my mother I still love him. The spoiled part is just a bonus of my liking to him.

"Hep, hep, where are you going?" My fourth brother, Jhonrie, the most strictest of all brothers came and interrogated me.

"I'm leaving and that's all you need to know, kuya" I swung my hair at him and closed the door feeling like I've won when I heard him call Jonnel, our third brother.

I get out of my rook and stomp down the stairs to see him smiling at me victoriously as if he had won something.


"What? I just called Jonnel to play Dota, what are you on?" He teased, my third brother Jonnel, is the same as him.

They're the two youngest of the boys but they're too strict, much stricter than my two older brothers.

"Hmph! I'll tell dad that you're going to play Dota again!" He's an addict, I swear it's one of the things about guys, they're addicted to games.

He didn't do anything more after I threatened him with that, dad would surely snap off his fingers if he dares play Dota again instead of working or studying.

With that, I met Irish, Faith, and Alyssa outside of the street. Faith as usual, still fashionable and have her hair and face all dolled up. Irish on the other hand preferred function over fashion but still have some fashion sense, the same as me. Alyssa was the girliest out of us but also the most devilish person, spouting out curses that can rival that of a sailor.

I felt happy all over at the end of the day. I have my friends with me whom I can always trust, Eric whom I liked, and someone who liked me and my family whom I can always run off to.

I am finally content with everything that I have.

Chapter 12 is up!

Fun fact: Yes, she is indeed her father's princess, she's spoiled rotten by her father, truly. Likewise though hahaha

Have a great day everyone! Stay safe and happy!

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