Chapter 77

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The night has already descended at this time while the moon hung above the onyx sky, giving light to those who were still out of their homes and those who were living in the streets.

She had an expression of shock on her face and when her phone buzzed once more, she immediately ran out to her closet and chose a white shirt, and contacted one of her friends, Dorvin who just lives beside her home.

It was night yet the people out of the street were still alive, still doing their monthly drinking and gambling on the other street where a man of fifties died of a heart attack.

"Where are you going?" It was her mother who was awakened by her bizarre footsteps this night.

"I- Ma... I have to g-go, I'll talk to you later okay?" There was pleading in her voice and she was beginning to lose hope when she heard no response from her mother.

"Please ma-"


"- I beg you- huh?" Her eyes blinked away the remaining tears and saw her mother's calm face before registering what she said. "Thank you ma! I'll tell you about it later!"

She soon ran out after hearing her mother's permission with her friend, Dorvin alongside her.

"Thank you for coming with me, Dorvs" it was his nickname, gratitude-filled her tone as she looked at his friend who didn't ask her what happened to her that made her like this and just went along with her request.

"It's fine, now, what are we doing?"

"Oh yeah, to St. Peter" she says, Dorvin's eyes bulged out and since he was a close friend of hers, he knew already what has happened.

"I'm sorry" his eyes held pity as much as her but she just shook her head as they waited for a vehicle to come to their side.

"I'm fine, it should be him who is not"

At her words, she felt a pang of pain that shot through her heart and the anger and disappointment vanished that instant. She knew so well what he's feeling right now and she will be there to accompany him in his most painful moment.

They arrived at St. Peter at 11 in the evening, the wind blew harshly on them making them shiver from the cold and the moment they entered the cold has already penetrated more into their bones.

Everything was white, the sound of murmurs was mixed with the anguished filled cries and the smell of something too clean made her remember the past. Dorvin seems to notice her unusual self and judged her lightly on the elbow.

"Let's go?" He asked in a question manner and she can only nod dumbly and follow him.

Her steps grew heavier as she gets nearer to that mournful cry. It's ringing into his ears making her remember her own, the beating of her heart seems to jump now and then unable to be still. Hands slick from her cold sweat and when her eyes saw the hunched back of Eric she felt that she saw herself two years ago.

Back when her father died.

And now it's Eric's father that is dead.

"Are you Ange?" She turns and faced a woman in her forties, her face wan and grey with her eyes completely devoid of joy.

"I am, hello, tita. I'm sorry for coming here without a word" She fiddles with her hand, the moment Eric's mother opened her mouth Eric faced her.

His eyes were bloodshot red and his entire body seems like its energy has been sucked out of him. Her heart clenched as she started for much longer, just seeing Eric in this helpless and heart broken appearance made her want to just hug him and promise that everything will be alright.

"Ma, this is Ange" his voice was hoarse and his whole body was tense.

"Can I talk to Eric, tita? I won't take long" his mother nodded and Dorvin said in passing that he would stay inside which she held his hand gratefully for. He should be asleep at this time and not here with her side.  She is even unable to even accompany him and has to go out to comfort Eric.

The two of them went to the corner of the place, their footsteps both heavy that it resembled what their hearts are suffering. She takes his hand, warming that cold pale hands of his with her own as of trying to warm his broken heart.

"I'm sorry for your loss"

He didn't say anything but a nod of his head, he was like an extinguished fire at this moment, and that pained her.

"I know what it feels like" she started then continued when she felt him listening. "It felt like your world has fallen, his presence would be missed, and then sometimes out of habit you'll call him for dinner only realizing that he was already gone. But Eric -" she held his hand tightly to his, her voice cracking as she continued. "He will always be there in your heart, missing him is a natural feeling heck you might even get angry for him leaving you but always remember that the dead doesn't have to be dead in your life. He stays here with us, in our memories, felt the love that overflows when you think of him, and smiles because you stuck through your goals that he once approved of"

It was like a story of someone else when she shared it with him but the pain and melancholy in her eyes stung him as well.

Tears gathered in his eyes and when it hit her palm, she also cried, not just for the loss of her father but for his as well.

Chapter 77 is up!

Rest in peace.

Have a great day everyone and stays safe!

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