Letter 21

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Everyone but me is in love, singing spring songs
Flowers are blooming before my eyes
I want to hear something else
Not the story that will just sweep through

- Not sprin, love or cherry blossom, IU

I wish I could undo what you've done to me but then I'll be a liar when I say I've never truly liked the memories you have woven for me.

It's the time of the night where the moon deepens and the hours ticked by, moments that I find myself looking back at our memories, those that we're good to me.

I still kept thinking of how such a waste our love is but then thankful that it made me stronger, made me realize that I could never love myself so much after such a breakup. That I am still deserving of love, much greater than we had, and I will, in the right time.

Maybe I would still stumble into another rotten love or got myself a ripe and bountiful harvest in another relationship, but what I have learned with you is that I should always, always love myself first and prioritize myself above any relationship.

So thank you for all the good and the bad, the mistakes and the lessons you've brought with your presence.

Letter 21 is up!

In time you'll be alright, just always love yourself first and demand a love that you know you deserve, it doesn't hurt that much to prioritize yourself first.

Have a great day everyone and stays safe!

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