Chapter 85

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Graduation was just around the corner for those in the grade 12 students, the first batch of students under the new K-12 curriculum and here I am, still unsure of what course I wanted to take once I stepped in college.

Of course I would go to a public university after all the bill was already signed by our president which abolished the tuition fre in all public universities. I remember my mother shedding tears at that time, I knew out financial situation and I can only help by making the house clean and organized.

My mother wanted me to be a teacher and that was what I wanted too. Now that public universities doesn't have tuition fees anymore unlike in the past, the opportunity to further your study in college become more prevalent in our motherland.

I was standing on the window sill looking down on the road as I look enviously at those high school students who are now leaving the school. I'm stuck here for about three hours listening to my teacher's life and all I want is to just go to my bed and scroll my feed.

"You really are brave huh?" I whispered to Alex as I took notice of what she's doing.

She was reading stories on her phone with our teacher just steps away from our table. Yes, we now have a table, it was payed by us and was made by one of our classmate's father.

"Shh! I'm in the good part!"

I sneakily look in the corner of my eyes and saw Emil already sleeping atop of his bag as well as Jeline and Pauline who looks like they couldn't be bothered with all these. Those in the front were the only ones listening and responding mainly the president, vice and the ever Jollibeee in the class.

(AN: When we say Jollibee it means bida-bida in class, someone who always suck up to the teacher)

"That's all class, I hope you understand the lesson for today, see you tomorrow!" Thank God it's finished, I think I'll be like one of those students sleeping in no time.

"Let's go! I wanted to eat fish ball!" Email groaned, since food from outside is banned here after the canteen lost it's customers, we can only wait till we finished our food before entering or wait till class finishes.

"Do we have any assignments for today?" Jamie asked as she was organizing her bag.

"Nope, I don't think there would be one after all there's only a week left till vacation comes" Jeline answered and in the corner of my eyes saw Eric standing just few steps away from our classroom.

"Ange! You're too much! You're with Eric again!" One of my friends clamored but I just playfully stick out my tongue at them before hopping on Eric's space.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you" I smiled at his answer and hooks his hands up with mine then heard my friends booing from behind. "Don't mind them, they're just jealous"

"I'm not, ciao girls!" Jamie flung her hair and hugged Willmark's hand, her boyfriend and leave the class.

"I also want a boyfriend" Emil mutters lowly and I joked with him.

"Do you mind considering my second brother?"

"Is he handsome?" His eyes immediacy brighten and I held the urge to laugh seeing him being so hooked at my words.

After I nodded he pestered me for a long time till I ran to Eric's back and let him protect me from this thirsty human.

Since vacation is about to come we decided to go to Central mall and have fun along with Eric. The other girls went to the clothing store doing some window shopping, as we came near to the arcade all I could see is a sea of blues and children running past us as we waited for the others.

"Go Alex, go and sing!"

Alex, our karaoke queen sang 12:51 with that sweet voice of hers and the others ran up to the basketball game while they shoot the balls in their hands to the moving net.

I whipped my phone and took videos of her singing and the others playing, I was like that mom whipping her phone out to video the things her children does to commemorate today's activities.

I just look out for a second and Eric was gone, I was about to call for him when he appeared with a shawarma in his hand.

"Why buy this? This is too expensive" I told him, I have paid great attention to my savings and financial ability after fully realizing our situation at home.

"Let me buy it for you okay? I just want our Ange to be more pretty~" he says and I narrowed my eyes at him with my hips on my waist.

"So I'm not pretty then before?" Panic flashed in his eyes and I held back from laughing, I want to see how he's gonna be able to coax me.

"You're always pretty, you just get more prettier everyday"

Hmph, what a sweet mouth but I'll take it, don't want him crying on the phone begging for forgiveness.

Soon we left the arcade and returned to our homes, waved goodbye to Espe and Piol whom I thought were boyfriend and girlfriend from the way they always stuck with each other after class, then returned to the comforts of our bed.

Chapter 85 is up!

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