Chapter 28

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There are still a lot of things I don’t know
But I can open that door and walk out

- Last Fantasy, IU

I was treading on thin ice, just casually dangling myself into a cliff without seriously considering the effect that it would get on me.

I was a fool.

It was like trusting the candy man that he won't kidnap you away from your parents, trusting yourself with a killer and after getting stab in the back, you would still trust him.

"So you're... friends?" Faith asked in slight confusion although she tried to mask the disappointment in her eyes it still shows.

It was painfully clear how much disappointed my friends were to me as much to myself.

Girls that are in love always suffer when making decisions considering how emotionally attached we were to that person at fault. It was even worse when it would sometimes cloud our logic and break the rules that we put on ourselves to protect ourselves from having heartache.

"Yes we're just... just friends" even then I sound hesitant, it feels like I was meeting an old friend of mine that I have forgotten in the past.

"Just be careful of your heart Ange" she strictly advised, Irish was supportive even after my foolishness, she stayed by me and respected my decision albeit she did ask me if I was sure of my decision.

It's as if I was plagued in the worst nightmares ever, I would always sleep with a weight burdening my shoulders that I can't get off of me. Every time I'm reminded of how I let him become a part of my world again I wince, it was like I was being painfully tugged in my stomach every time I remember how stupid I was but then my heart was at peace at what I decided.

Maybe the heart and the brain wouldn't go well together and they would always contradict one another.

We were currently sitting in Irish's place, the rest of us have decided to come together and talked about my decision. It did help me clear things but there are a lot more things that turned to be ambiguous just like the fact that if two people who clearly like each other could remain as platonic friends.

"Either way, I hope you won't get hurt anymore. Girls should need to protect themselves" Alyssa mentioned and I smiled at her. She has become matured after being in a relationship.

"Then what about our dear Meryl, what's the status now?" Irish teased the now beet red Meryl who hid behind my back.

We waited for her answer and both screech in response after gearing her positive answer.

"We're together now"

"You sneaky girl" Faith poked fun at Meryl who looks like spring has smiled upon her. "I never even thought that you have someone you like, sneaky little thing"

We continued to tease Meryl, it was fun remembering how scared shitless she was when Faith learned of her connection with Eric's friend. Faith did frown upon learning it was that bastard's friend- what she now calls Eric and for the rest of the day, all the girls gave advice and what to expect and not to do when in a relationship. The rules and limitations that she should impose and low-key bashed Eric off about how men's words are sometimes superfluous and are just good at their promises.

The next day, it would be the start of another week and perhaps I would then know the consequences of what I have decided on.

Chapter 28 is up!

Fun Fact: Meryl was indeed the girlfriend of Eric's friend.

Have a great day everyone! Stay safe and happy!

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