Wet dream

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3rd person pov

Jihyo woke up and they were in the same position, no hickeys or anything and most importantly they were wearing the same clothes from last night or morning, whatever you wanna call it.

She was confused, she thought they actually did it but it was just a dream a wet dream. She looked at the girl on top of her who was peacefully sleeping while she was admiring her.

She looked at the time 9:20 am, good thing she didn't drink a lot of alcohol so she doesn't have a massive headache. She tried to push Sana off her, she tried 10 times but eventually got the girl off her and went to do her morning routine.

She finished doing her morning routine and the only thing she needs to do is eat breakfast or probably wake up Sana.

"Sana, wake up" She shaked the girl trying to wake her up but Sana was still sleeping "Sana c'mon wake up you beautiful asshole" She said and pulled the girl up, still no progress was made.

So she gave up and left the sleeping beauty.
And she went on an adventure to find someone to talk to.

She was almost in 2yeons room but remembered both of the girls were also drunk and just walked to another room.

She made it to the room of the married couple and the supposed 'favorite child'. She knocked a couple of times and Irene opened the door and let her in.

"So Jihyo-ssi, what brings you here?" Irene asked while sipping on her coffee "I just wanted to talk about something" Jihyo answered "Oh well you should go to Wendy, me and Seulgi are gonna take care of that drunken turtle right there" Irene said and pointed at Yeri possibly passed out "Ok unnie, I'll see you guys later" Jihyo said and waved them a goodbye.

Jihyo went to Wenjoys room and knocked, the door opened and revealed Wendy "What brings you here Ji?" The girl asked "I went to Irene unnie and Seulgi unnies room, I told Irene unnie I wanted to talk about something but she said to go talk with you" Jihyo answered "Well why didn't you say so? Come in" Wendy said and they both went inside.

"What is it that you want to talk about Ji?" Wendy asked tapping a spot on the bed "It's about me and a little bit about Sana as well" Jihyo said and sat on the bed "Ohhh, what is it?" The girl asked.

"Uhh I-it's uhm, I do-don't know how to e-explain it" Jihyo said

"Hey, Ji we're friends you can tell me anything, but if you—" Wendy was about to finish her sentence but got cut off

"I had a wet dream about me and Sana" Jihyo said embarrassed "Do you like her?" Wendy asked and Jihyo was surprised and confused "Wha-what do you mean?" Jihyo stuttered "Oh come on Ji, you had a wet dream about you and her but you don't know if wether you like her or not" Wendy said "That's not normal for people to do" She added.

And Jihyo started thinking if she liked Sama or not "Here to make it easy, I'm gonna ask you questions and you answer them ok?" Wendy said and Jihyo nodded "What do you feel when you're with her?" "I feel kinda nervous" "Do you feel anything in your stomach?" "Yes, I feel like there are things in my stomach having a party" "If she moves beside you, do you feel your heart beating really fast?" "Yes" "So you get jealous when she's with someone else?" That question threw Jihyo off "Ye-yes" "How close have you been with her?" "We already kissed..."

With that Joy instantly woke up "You don't know if you like her but you already kissed?" Joy said startling the two other girls "Joy unnie? I didn't even see you when I walked in" Jihyo said still surprised "I was under the covers that's why" Joy said and Jihyo mentally face palmed herself.

"I can also help you with that" Joy said "How?" Both the girls questioned "Well, that also happened to me with Wendy unnie" She said "What?" Wendy said and furrowed her eyebrows "So when you kissed her, did you feel something?" Joy asked not minding what Wendy asked "Joy I asked you a question" The girl said "Can we talk about it some other time? Jihyo is the one who wants to talk not me" Joy said.

"Fine" Wendy scoffed "Yes, I feel like I said want the kiss to end, my heart was like an athlete and I felt like butterflies were having a big ass party in my stomach but I also hated that I liked the kiss" Jihyo replied "Welp, you like her" Joy said "How do you know that?" Wendy "As I said, it happened to me with you" Joy said.

While the two girls argue Jihyo started to talk and ask herself 'Me liking Sana?' 'Do I like her?' 'But I hate her' 'Mom said not to fall in-love with the person you hate' 'And also don't fall in-love to fast or else' 'You know what' 'I made my mind' 'I like Sana' Jihyo thought and smiled.

The two girls saw her and stopped arguing and high fived each other silently. They succeeded once again.

So... Now you guys know that Jihyo just had a dream specifically a wet dream. I hope you guys understand that I don't know how to give you guys the information on what was her dream because I'm bad at doing that, so yeah bye✌🏻

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