The Afternoon

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3rd person pov

The school officials (I mean who else?) but it is now the afternoon which means back to learning. All the students got into their classes and waited for their teacher which is gonna be Mrs. Kang Seulgi their kindest but sometimes strict teacher. The moment she came in it became silent.

"Good afternoon class how is your days going?" She politely asked "It's good Mrs. Kang" All the students said at the same time Mrs. Kang just giggled at how polite the students are and started to teach.

While Mrs. Kang was teaching a woman in black and white clothes came in "Love am I interrupting your teaching?" She asked the students got shocked at what they heard.

"No love your not" Mrs. Kang said to the woman "Everyone this is my wife Bae Joo hyun"(In Korea the wife doesn't take the surname of the husband) Mrs. Kang said
"You kids can call me Mrs. Irene or Mrs. Bae" Mrs. Bae said and smiled, the students bowed and said "hi" to Mrs. Bae and smiled too.

Mrs. Kang pointed to a seat  for Mrs. Bae to sit on she seated on the seat and Mrs. Kang continued to teach the students were shocked about Mrs. Baes beauty it's a good thing none of the students whispered to each other about her because she could've heard it.

"Ok class it's a wrap for today any questions?" Mrs. Kang said, a student raised his hand "Uhhh Mrs. Kang where did you and Mrs. Bae met and what is her job?" He asked nervously and lowered his head a little Mrs. Kang and Bae giggled.

"Well we met here in this school" Mrs. Kang started "We became friends but I had a crush on her one day I confessed to her and she said me she liked me too and her job is a business woman" Mrs. Kang explained and the students nod "She just came here to visit and for you guys see you tomorrow" Mrs. Kang said and got to Mrs. Bae they said goodbye to the students and left

The rest of the day was boring for them so we are gonna skip to home time. (It's actually because I'm to lazy right now to right those so hehe sorry)

I hope you guys are enjoy reading this but should I make this a long story or nah?
I'm gonna add a special surprised guest soon 🤭 (guess who it is) feel free to comment your opinions and thoughts.

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