Happy Joy Day! pt.2

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3rd person pov

Everyone was talking but not that loud talking you know? While Tzuyu and Mina were eating quietly "What do you guys wanna do later?" Joy asked "Maybe go to the arcade or computer room" Seulgi said "There's a computer room and arcade here?" Mina asked for the first time "Yeah we just forgot to tell you guys" Irene said "But why don't we like you know dance or celebrate?" Joy asked hoping someone would get it "Celebrate what?" Rosé asked 'So the plan is doing good' Wendy thought "I don't know just thought of it" Joy said and continued eating "We can go to the computer room or arcade you can go to wich one you want to go" Irene said and the others cheered "Just finish your food first" Eomma Irene said and the others obeyed.

They were all done eating and the staff cleaned their table but Wendy wanted to ask something she excused herself and went to the front desk "Ma'am how's the party going?" Wendy asked the woman "It's doing good ma'am here are some pictures" the woman said and showed Wendy pictures of the party room "Woah it looks really good" Wendy said amazed at how good it looked "What's the name of the birthday celebrant?" the woman asked "Joy" Wendy said and the woman nodded "Don't worry about anything ma'am you can trust us" the woman said "Thank you" Wendy said and bowed before catching up with the others.


"Where's Sana, Jihyo and Mina?" Wendy asked when she saw Nayeon talking to Yuna "They're in the computer room unnie" Yuna said "Ohhh ok thanks Yuna" Wendy said and they smiled but Wendy looked for Joy "Sooyoung-ah!" Wendy shouted because of all the music that are playing in the machines "Wendy unnie here!" Joy shouted back waving playing a claw machine "How many tokens do you have?" Wendy asked surprised at how many tokens Joy had "20 something" Joy said and focused on playing "Ummm" Wendy hummed and just watched her playing "Arghh, why can't I get this?" Joy said frustrated "Relax you'll get it" Wendy said and tucked a hair strand that's hanging above Joys eye "Yeahhh I got it" Joy said and Wendy was just shocked at how Joy got it "You did it" Wendy said and Joy hugged her "Unnie do you know what day it is today?" Joy asked "Uhmm I don't know" Wendy said going with the plan "Oh ok" Joy said "Do you want a stuff toy too?" Joy asked "Sure" Wendy said and smiled Joy did the same and let go of the hug"We each have turns to get you a stuff toy" Joy said and Wendy nodded and Joy goes first nothing then Wendy again nothing.

There was just 3 tokens left and Joy got Wendy a stuff toy "Yay, I got it again" Joy said and gave the second stuff toy to Wendy "They're matching" Wendy said "Yeah, yours is a green one and mine is a blue one" Joy said and smiled, so does Wendy, It was 9:10 and they were still in the arcade and so are the others "Guys let's go" Irene said to Wenjoy that we're sitting on a couch inside the arcade "Where are we going?" Wendy asked "In the hot tub to relax" Irene said "Go call the others as well" she added and Wenjoy nodded and got out of the arcade along with the others and told them about the hot tub and gave them maps, the others shared a map and so does Wenjoy.

The hot tub

All of them were wearing bathing suits and went to the hot tub to chill while their phones are secured in a plastic bag so the can still use it.

They were talking and talking and it was 11:05 they went to their rooms to change and hang out at a hut and go to the party room in just a little bit.

Everyone knew about the party except Joy and it was 11:38, Wendy went at the front desk "Ma'am the party room is completed" the woman said "Thank you" Wendy said "You're welcome now you may now go to the party room" the woman said and Wendy bowed to the woman and went to the others "Let's go it's done" Wendy whispered to Seulgi and she nodded "Guys let's go we're going to go somewhere" Seulgi said "But Joy needs a blindfold" she added "Why me?" Joy asked but deep down she thinks it has to do with a surprise for her "Just go with it" Rosé said and Joy didn't do anything else but nodded.

They were almost to the party room and Joy was still blindfolded.

The party room

"Take of the blindfold" Wendy said and Joy obeyed "SURPRISE HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY!" They cheered "Aww thank you guys" Joy said "Actually thank Wendy, she's the one who thought of this" Jeong said "Thanks unnie" Joy said and hugged Wendy and she hugged back "You're welcome" Wendy said and they celebrated without alcohol.

And continued their day.

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