Did we just?

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Jihyo pov

We got into Sanas room while me supporting her while walking because she's the drunkest out of all of us that played she almost fell down like 10 times we aren't even half way through and I'm kinda worried but how can she still be beautiful while drunk? 'No don't think like that Jihyo stop thinking about her' I scolded my self.

We enter her room and let me tell you I thought it was gonna be REALLY messy but it's actually not that messy and I sigh in relief that her room isn't messy, I got her into bed but when I was about to stand up to lay beside her she pulled me to her arms and hugged me I was shocked by her action so I didn't hugged her back "Don't leave please" She said in a little bit of a scared tone like she's not gonna see me again.

"It's ok I won't leave" I said to her "Why are you so pretty?" She asked me and I just blushed but the next thing she did kinda shocked me as well because she kissed me again I didn't know if i should kiss back or not so what i did is wait for her to stop but she didn't 'Should I kiss back or not?' 'No don't do it's 'Yes do it' 'No' 'Yes' 'No' 'Yes' My thoughts kept on going i didn't know what to do so what i did was...

Kiss her back yeah I thought I was straight but why is it when I'm with Sana there's this feeling like I want her 'Jihyo what are you doing? You're straight remember?' I said to myself but that didn't stop me.

Sana fliped me to be the bottom and ahe pulled away "Why are you so pretty?" She asked while leaning into my ear I just blush again and she smirked and started to kiss me again I kissed back her left hand supporting her and her right her going up  and she cupped my face i wrap my hands on her neck it started slow but became passionate along the way then her right hand went from my face to my waist and she pulled me up so pur bodies are touching she putted me down and lowered herself to me and she went down to my neck and kissed it "ughh" I heard outside 'Must be Nayeon and Jeongyeon' I thought and the next thing I knew that Sana was asleep while she was on my neck and we just cuddled until I realized 'Did we almost fuck?' I asked myself and looked at Sana.

I hope she doesn't remember this happened in the morning when she wakes up 'I hope she would' I said to myself and cuddled closer to her and smelled her scent and when I smelled her scent it felt  like I'm in a flower field but I instantly felt  warmth in her and fell asleep while cuddling with her.

Will Sana remember what happened to them in the morning? Or will she forget everything that happened? Let's see...

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