F i f t y - S e v e n

Start from the beginning

I made my way to the house. It didn't seem too old, but nobody's really been here in a pretty long time. The last time I was here, I was about 23, and I had my famous 'unexclusive' boyfriend bunk here with me. Mom got really mad at me the next day and made me break up with him. 

He was a nice guy, but... some say he was too young for me.

"Hey, you comin' in, or are you just gonna stay out there and wait for it to rain a second time?" Kim's voice took me back to the present. I jerked around to see her standing in the doorway. The lights were on and I quickly rushed up the steps for the door.

"Yeah, of course, I'm comin' in. Just... remembered some things."

Kim gave me a small smile and placed a hand on my shoulder, "I know you're confused, Kendall, you don't have to hide it, but I'm doing this for a reason. You've hidden something from me, and now I get to keep something from you. For now, of course, I've just got a better 'element of surprise' to show you."

I nodded slowly, "Um... does it have anything to do with me getting hurt at all?" I asked, unsureness in my voice. Kim let out a laugh, "Obviously not, why would I hurt my sister?"

"I mean, the better question would be; would you hurt your half-sister, 'cause I'm your half-sister, not your... full-sister," I said, sounding very foolish. Kim threw her head back laugh and shook her head, "Oh my God, Kenny, let's just get in, you're my sister, alright? There's no difference; we're sisters from the same mother."

As she turned to go into the house, I grabbed her shoulder, "Wait, when you said I've hidden something from you... does that mean you found out or is it just me and my really really bad sense of past, present tense shit?"

Kim gave me a hard look, but she broke into a weak smile, "You'll see."

I followed Kim into the vaguely familiar living room and I saw the face of someone I knew that somewhere, deep down in both my heart and memory, I was familiar with.

I followed Kim into the vaguely familiar living room and I saw the face of someone I knew that somewhere, deep down in both my heart and memory, I was familiar with

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* * *

"Hey, where you going?" He called after me as I started to run for our hide-away from the paparazzi. It was the summer of 2009 and a boy, that had recently caught my eye, and I had just come from Kylie's summer-fest party. 

I turned around to face the boy and smiled, "I just thought of something. They won't see us, trust me, my mom won't know." I gave him a fond smile and wiped my wet hair out of my face. The rain was so heavy, I had to find somewhere to keep us dry.

He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "What are you? 14? Your mom seriously has to be a little loose about these things."

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "Li, we're not exclusive, and besides, my mom's just trying to protect me from the outside world." I know it sounded sheepish, but it was the truth.

He let out a laugh, "Outside world? Come on, Kendall, don't be so dramatic, everyone already knows they know everything about you, and I don't think you should even CARE about what these outsiders think. I've looked up to you, Kendall, I know we're only seniors and high-schoolers, but please, I've liked you for a very long time. Like, a really long time, and a lot."

I never really had anyone that had truly said anything like this to me, so at this moment, I think I'd savor it, and the only way I was taught to do that was by locking lips with him. My teacher? Khloe.

He pulled away and smiled, "Now, I know you might think this is a little romantic, but I'm getting a little cold."

I let out a laugh and blushed, "I don't— I don't think this is romantic at all! Let's just... get out of this rain!" I said, now trying to hide my face as it was burning red. He laughed and took my hands out of my face softly and gave me a small kiss, "Don't do that."

* * * 

I took a long look at the boy standing in front of me and squinted, "You are—? Who's this, exactly?" I said, turning to Kim, who gave the boy a stern look. He cleared his throat, which brought my attention back to him.

"H— hi, Kendall," he said, nodding a bit. "The name's Liam, remember? Liam Dunbar, the boy you kissed at Kylie's Summer-fest party of 2009?"

My jaw dropped as I just stared at him.

_ _ _

So, again, I'm so sorry, I got a little distracted with Teen Wolf again, and now I'm getting to dinner late. But I had to update for y'all, and I hope you're happy with this one. If you're not familiar with Dylan Sprayberry, I'm gonna put a gif down there.

Please, VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW. I'm still gonna beg, even if none of you are not gonna actually do it. It's not gonna hurt you, y'know, just to give me a follow : (

Dylan Sprayberry as Liam Dunbar

Dylan Sprayberry as Liam Dunbar

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P.s, he's from Teen Wolf. Should I make his name Liam Dunbar, or his OG name? #edited I'm making his name

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