F i f t y - F o u r

Start from the beginning

"OK, so tell me again; how am I fucked?" I asked, turning back to her as we sped down the highway. Kylie let out a hmm and looked up at me, "You're fucked. I really don't know why you are, but mom said something about ending you or something, I don't know."

I gave her a look of utter disbelief and chuckled, "Oh, wow, OK, am I supposed to be scared or disturbed? Doesn't sound much of a threat..." Kylie snapped her bag shut and stared at me as I pressed my lips together, "Really? Y'know, I should actually have the right to know exactly it is you did, but right now, I wanna save you from the tortures of my mom."

My eyes widened as I quickly turned to her, "What, your mom tortures people?"

"No, dumbass, she ends them, didn't I tell you?" Kylie snapped. "Now, what is it that you did so lethally to make mom wanna kill you so badly?" I glanced at Kylie and she was giving me some kind of stare, making me kind of scared, "What? How do you even know your mom's trying to kill me? Maybe it's someone else..."

Kylie arched her eyebrows, "Actually, I'm 100 percent sure she's talking about you. I mean, what else could she actually mean when she just yelled out a sentence that included the words, Nick, kill, destroy, and motherfucker, without giving me a second thought about who it's about?"

I gulped, "Well, your mom is certainly not one to cross."

Kylie laughed. But then she stopped dead serious, "Yeah, me too, dumbass, so you better tell me what you did to make mom so mad. And don't even try to tell me there's something wrong with me and sarcasm because there isn't."

I couldn't help but laugh, "OK, gee, I wasn't ever going to," I said defensively. I skidded to a stop next to a yard and peered out Kylie's window to look at the old house.

Kylie looked at it, too, "OK, what the hell is this, Jonas, I told you five-star hotel, not some random freak house. Hey! You, come back here, we aren't done—" Her voice was cut off as I slammed the door shut. I adjusted my jacket and looked up at the house, trying to keep my heartbeat normal.

Kylie came out of the jeep and gave me a seething look, then turned back to the house. "Where are we? What's this place? Hold on, I hear the sea— NICK! Where the hell are we?"

I let out a breath of annoyance and turned to her, "We're at my grandfather's beach house."

"Your— wait, your— did I hear this right? I mean—"

"You heard right. It's my grandfather's beach house. I know some people say Jerry Jonas's house is haunted by some spirit, but..." I stepped up to the house and looked through the fenced gates. "I don't see the point. It looks completely safe. At least from your psychic mom, right?"

I heard Kylie snort out a laugh from behind me, "Well, that's not what I meant, but I have never heard no shit about this house or what's really in it other than what dad told me."

I spun around, "What'd he say about it?"

Kylie shrugged as she stepped up to me, making our faces about 5 inches away from each other. "Something about... creatures and stuff... that I had no idea even existed... You should know something about it, right? The way you're closing your eyes like that makes me think you do, cause that's something unusual that I never see anyone do unless they're my dad or they're just weird."

I immediatly opened my eyes and flushed, "That's mean of you to say that... Um, no, I didn't close my eyes because of anything like that," I said, making Kylie frown. 

"Why then?"

I chuckled and stepped away from her, but she stepped forward, making that backward step utterly useless. "Seriously, Nick, tell me. Why'd you close your eyes?"

"It's nothing, it's stupid—"

"Well, guess what? You should know, too, that I'm just as stupid as you think your reasons are, so if you want me to go into that house with your useless ass, you better tell me why you just closed your eyes. It's not so transparent, I can literally tell."

I couldn't help but smile, "It's gonna be so messed up if I tell you. Now let's just get inside, shall we? Cut the tension?"

Kylie rolled her eyes and grabbed my phone from my jeans pocket, "I'm taking this," she said, strolling past me to the front fenced gate. I couldn't help but shuckle as I turned to follow her.

_ _ _

Yo, sorry for the short story, but... I thought it was the right time and place in the story to stop. Besides, what else is better than a new plot and a good setting, right?

Anyways, sleep nice tonight... well, it's the night where I'm at, so... yeah. Vote, so I could feel better about writing and so I could also feel the need to write this more... I got a pain in the ass dad that won't fucking shut up, so...

Last Night | Nick Jonas x Kendall Jenner {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now