T h i r t y - S e v e n

Start from the beginning

I lifted my head back up and bit my dry lips. He gulped and frowned, "Don't do that," he said, making me laugh nervously. 

"Do what?"

"Bite your lips."

I chuckled, "Why? I can do anything I want, it doesn't affect you in any way, does it?" I said as he gulped again. He nodded slowly, "It kinda does."

I raised my eyebrows and quickly got off him. "You're easy," I said, chuckling as he looked under the covers. "Don't look at it!" I exclaimed, covering my eyes. He chuckled at me, "Don't worry, I'm in briefs," he said, kicking the covers, crawling towards me.

I tugged on the covers and tucked them under my armpits. I wrapped them around my body and got out of bed, yawning. I felt Nick's presence behind me. 

"I really need a shower, I can't believe we had sex last night and I didn't take a shower," I said out loud as I walked down the hall towards my personal bathroom. I couldn't resist going into the guest bathroom since I knew there were going to be my clothes laying all over the floor.

"You smell like me," Nick's voice said as I washed my face. I glanced at him, seeing that he was playing with lube. He was in his boxers now, but his bulge was so noticeable. "And I guarantee you, that's a great smell." 

I couldn't help but let out a scoff of laughter. "It kinda smells unique. Unlike the other things, I've smelt before. Did you make it?" I asked him as I tied my hair up into a messy bun. Nick made a face saying 'meh' and looked up at me.

"I mean, I collaborated withJohn Varvatos on it, but yeah, you can say I made it." 

I threw an empty lube bottle at him. He caught it, chuckling. "You tryna kill me, or something?" he said, jokingly. My face deepened, putting on a bathrobe. "About that– What happened to Joey? Is he still dead in my bedroom!?"

Nick looked quite calm, so I'm betting he did something to it. "It's fine, I threw him into a hedge somewhere last night around 10. I'm betting someone found him and... yeah, I left a note, too, so..." 

My eyes widened. "And what did the note say, exactly?"

He paused for a while before speaking up. "It said... Well, I had to make it look as though it was your perspective, and so I said Joey was looking through your fridge and he came across something that was vile for his stomach. As a joke, you put it in his dinner, making him faint and turn red, which was the color his face turned when I choked him."

My mouth was fully open by the end of his story. 

"And– what if he wakes up?" I exclaimed. "He obviously going to tell his father and the whole security team what really happened, and it's going to get me in trouble with mom, and you in trouble with Chief." 

Nick swatted the air carelessly. "I'll be fine. Besides, he never really knew it was me, did he?"

I nodded. "Good point. But what about me? Mom's gonna be like, Kendall, what the heck, you would've gotten yourself in danger! You put the idiot over your guard?!"

Nick gave me a pouting look. "I'm an idiot?"

"Well, no, you're not. But still, I wouldn't have put Joey over you," I told him. He grinned and gave me a squeezing hug from behind. I felt his plain erection poking my but and jumped. "Get away from me and fix that right now!" I scolded, trying to get him to unwrap his arms.

"Nah, I'll have you do that for me," he said, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. I tried to crane my neck, but it was hard with his arm still around me.

"Seriously—" I pushed my butt back, making it hit him square in the groin. He groaned, releasing me. I could say I have a hard ass. I laughed pridefully and watched him as he looked up at me, face screwed up. "That's what you get, you fucking dirty dog!"

I pressed his palm onto his erection as he chuckled. Without a warning, he rushed up to me, embracing me into a quick hug, and wrapped his lips on mine. My arms were pinned against both our chests. 

"This isn't helping your erection go down, is it?" I said against his lips. He pulled back, a little offended. "Well, you're being a turn-off, that's for sure!"

"I don't care if I'm being a turn-off, go fix that," I said, turning around to apply my moisturizing cream. He snatched it away from me abruptly, making me open my mouth in disbelief. "Give that—"


"What's wrong with you? Just give it back!" I exclaimed exasperatedly. He just grinned and put it behind his back. I am so tired of this motherfucker. "Nick... I swear if you don't give it back now, I'm gonna call my security team and say you're the stalker that's been stalking me."

He broke out into laughter, making me snatch the bottle away from him, unnoticed. "And then I'm also gonna add the fact that you decided to sleep with the stalker!" He put on a voice that was meant to mimic mine. "Yeah, he was super hot so I had to—"

"Shut up," I snapped, twisting open the lube.

"Well, if you were to tell them that I was the stalker, you gotta tell them why you fucked me, too!" He said, coming behind me again. Just when I felt his erection brush against my butt, I turned around to push him but was surprised by a kiss.

He lifted me up onto the counter and wrapped my legs around his waist. His lips made their way down my neck and I suppose wearing a bathrobe is easier to remove. With one swift motion, his hand brushed off the robe down my right shoulder with my right boob slouching out. His lips darted for it with a potent groan as he left a love bite on it.

When I opened my eyes, the first thing I saw what the painting of me and dad riding a rodeo. How weird is it to have your dad's picture haunt you in your own bathroom? It's as if dad was here right now, present, and was watching me about to have sex with this random guy he's never really met.

"—Stop!" I managed to gasp out. He pulled back, a concerned look on his face. "We're not going to have sex in this bathroom where my dad is right there, watching us."

"He's not really—"

"Doesn't matter, we're not doing it again, I need to have breakfast."

_ _ _

I hope this chapter wasn't too long, I loved writing it. I hope you loved reading it too!

I will publish another chapter later today, I think. I'm not really sure, but right now, I'm having issues with my teacher not letting me into his Google Meet.

Nice day, loves, don't forget to vote!

Last Night | Nick Jonas x Kendall Jenner {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now