Chapter 36: Yong-guk's Offer

Start from the beginning

"Goodness, Jongup," said Mike, "you almost kissed my sister."

And it just had to be Mike. Goodness, me!

"Huh?" Jongup looked surprised. "I did?"

"And you were this close," said Zoey indicating a tiny space with her index finger and thumb.

"Oh...," Jongup turned to look at me. I was still leaning onto Yong-nam's shoulder. "I'm so sorry, Sam. Maybe I shouldn't have leaned in too close."

"You see, I told you so," said Zelo.

"No, I'm okay," I said as I sat upright. "Sorry for leaning on you like that, Yong-nam. I hope I'm not too heavy."

Yong-nam cleared his throat. "Not at all," he answered. "You're actually pretty light."

I nervously laughed, not sure whether he meant it or not.

"Wow," said Zoey as she delightfully clapped her hands together. "First Sam avoids Jongup from kissing her and then she leans onto Yong-nam who prevents her from falling. So sweet."

"You're such a fantasist, Zoey," said Daniel as he shook his head.

"Don't mind her," I said. "Can we forget the kissing incident and focus on the song, please?"

"Sure," said Mike. "That's if we can reset Zoey's brain or else she won't stop talking about it."

"Are you saying that I'm kookoo?" Zoey asked, looking at Mike.

"You can argue later, you two," I said, giving them a look. "Let's try and focus."

I went back to looking at the paper in front of me and read out the lyrics for them. Just like we did with BAP's song, we started coming up with lyrics. But this time, it proved to be a lot difficult than we expected. Whatever we came up with didn't really fit with the song.

"Is it just me or something's just off?" Young-jae asked.

"I think I feel what you mean," said Zoey as she scratched her head.

"Huh? What's Zoey saying?" Himchan asked.

"I told you we should've rewired her brain a little," said Mike as he turned to look at me. I shook my head. Zoey on the other hand, ignored him. That's so unlike her.

"I feel we aren't working like we did the first time," said Christine.

"Ya, that's what I meant," said Zoey.

"We just aren't coming up with the right lyrics," said Yong-guk, "that's all."

"Why is that?" Himchan asked.

"Who knows," said Daniel. "What do you think, Sam?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I also couldn't figure out why we found it so difficult. I scratched the back of my head and pouted my lip a little.

"You look like you're about to cry, Sam," said Jongup.

"Don't mind me," I said. "I'm frustrated that we're going nowhere."

"Maybe we're all just tired," said Zelo.

"I felt we rested enough," said Daehyun.

"Or maybe we've been in the same place for too long," I suggested. "Sometimes the environment contributes greatly."

"Maybe," said Yong-guk.

"What do you think, Yong-nam?" Christine asked as she turned to look at him.

He raised his arms up to stretch. As soon as he put them down, he said, "I think we're all just tired. We exhausted ourselves working on BAP's piece and thought we would do the same with this one. If you ask me, we should just call it a day and continue tomorrow."

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