Thirty Seven

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I have been trying to get ready for a long time, which is already new because I usually don't put that much effort into how I look. I hate pulling attention, the more people look at me the worst I feel. So my intention is always to blend in. Which is quite hard when you are going to junior prom, cause I feel like the whole point is to dress nice and put on makeup. So my challenge is to look put together enough but still able to camouflage. And I am indeed wearing a dress, which I said I wasn't going to wear, so I also have to worry about my thighs sticking together.

I once heard someone say to put deodorant in between your thighs that way you won't sweat there. I am a bit skeptical, but better safe than sorry. I also keep getting distracted by my thoughts, and the fact that I, Sloan Muvrett, am going to a dance. Willingly, with a date, who is not really a date date. Like a romantic date. We are just friend dates, but it still counts. Who I invited.

About the people that have entered my life this past months and how it has changed. James who I met in a sexist game in a closet. We probably had the worst first impressions of each other, in that tiny closet where we couldn't even move. Where I thought he was just a stereotypical annoying jock. Now I will walk into this saloon and be happy to see him, happy to see one of the people who sit in the back of the classroom and laugh at everything. Who probably drinks in Seven Eleven parking lots. And has probably kissed a bunch of pretty girls, but who is still my friend, and most importantly a good person. And next to him will probably be Olivia, the girl who complimented me on calling someone a bitch and invaded my life with her maturity and sense of humor. Her recklessness was something I admire, her drive to live life to the fullest. The way she was not scared to show her full personality to the world every chance she gets. Even now that I have seen her cry over her mom and be the most amazing and loving sister to her brother. It made me feel even more connected to her.

Maxime, probably the weirdest interactions combined that I have ever had with a person. We walked through religious fanatics and paranoid old men together. I have cried, literally bawled in front of him and he was always there to help. In his own little shy way, but always trying his best. But still he came to me for his promposal, and even though I was going through a tough time because of him, or because of me. I sometimes wonder. If I had done something sooner we would be together, but then again I think there are so many things I still want to figure out about myself before I share it with someone else.

I put the dress on and it feels uncomfortable, as I knew it would be, But when I sit down on the bed it actually allows me to breathe, so I am happy. Because I do not plan on starving myself. I will be eating a little snack or something before I leave. That is something I have learned over my 16 long years of life.

I just brushed my hair but I have no idea what to do with it. It just looks kind of boring to be honest, and even though I hate to admit it. I want to look pretty, and I want my hair to look pretty. And I need some help. I walk out of my room to go find my dad.

" Hi. " I say standing looking through the door.

They both turn around to look at me

" Oh, you look so beautiful. " He said walking towards me.

" Thanks. Umm I don't really know what to do with my hair. "

" We can solve that right now. " He says staring at my hair already picturing ideas.

We go to my room and he sits me down on my study chair. 

" Just something simple. " I say even though I know George doesn't do simple things.

He goes straight to work, not even answering me. Even though it is my hair, and my prom. But I will try to be patient. At least today.

" Done. " He says exited.

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