Thirty Three

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We are strapping ourselves in Mason's car. He drives a pretty cool car that is small and black, it looks like Yoshi's car in Mario Kart. It is like being in a real life video game. Except that we are going to a prison, but apart from that, just like an imaginary world. Mason asked me yesterday if I would come with him to visit his brother, and after the conversation we had I felt like it was the right thing to do. Now, I am regretting that decision a little bit because we are going to an actual prison. Like big boy prison. Plus I don't even know his brother, but if I were to come to a prison I would want to bring someone with me too. And apparently his brother and his parents don't really get along so I was the second choice.

Mason looks really nervous, he is basically gripping the steering wheel with both hands, and his forehead looks all shiny.

" Your car reminds me of Yoshi's car in Mario Kart. " I said trying my best attempt at starting a conversation, or at least making him calm down.

" Is that good? " He asked, confused.

" I mean, Yoshi is like the coolest character, so... " I answered by trying to sound less childish than when I rehearsed this in my head.

" I've never played that game. " He said, finally sitting back a little bit. Mario kart talks are relaxing apparently.

" What? That is like not possible, it is the best game ever invented. "

" I am just not really into video games. " He answered.

" Mario Kart is so much more than a video game, it is an experience. "

" If you say so, maybe we can play together some day. " He completed gripping the wheel again. I thought my childish conversation was working, but now we are back to fully nervous.

" That would be cool. But I should warn you that I am a professional. " I said trying to distract him again.

He gave me a shy smile and went back to driving all tensed up. I think in some situations, even when you are trying not to think about what you are going to do next, you just can't. It is all your brain can picture. Mason is living that right now and I just have to try to understand it.

We get to the prison and it is as intimidating as I thought it would be, or more. The walls are huge and topped with barbed wire. The paint has been washed off and all that is left is the exposed brick. We stay in the car just taking it all in.

" I don't know if I can do this. " Mason says out of the blue.

" Yes you can. " I say reassuring. Even though I am not sure he is going to be able to go through it without vomiting a couple times because he looks so ill.

We get out of the car and Mason paralyzes looking at the building. My instinct just makes me walk up to him and take his hand.

" You are going to be fine. " I say already pulling him towards the building.

We walk in and the guards make us go through a metal detector, which makes me realize that we were holding hands this whole time. I never in a million years thought I would willingly hold hands with him. Sometimes I surprise even myself. But just this whole situation is very surreal, my parents let me come to a prison with another 16 year old by myself. And I am surprisingly calm and holding people's hands, it is hard to believe.

" You have five minutes. '' the guard said, pointing us to the room. As we entered I was surprised at how similar it was from the ones on tv. Just a bunch of booths with telephones in them. You could only talk for five minutes which wasn't enough time to even say hello. But, I guess Mason already planned out what he is going to say.

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