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A huge round of applause, followed by my parents walking on stage. They were always very praised, it made me feel like a proud mom. We have always been pretty alone, I don't have a lot of contact with the rest of my family. Let's just say that they do not particularly agree with my parents " way of living" . Both of them are doing amazing things, and I turned out pretty okay, so the rest of the family should just be proud of us. The only positive outcome about that, we have a very close relationship. We need to be supportive because at the end of the day all we have is each other's company.

" Thank you so much for coming everybody. " Vincent started. " We are so proud to introduce our new line of the Blush'n Blushing Sapphire collection. "

" We have been working on these products for almost two years now, to guarantee that we have the best quality products for you. "  Took over George. " All of our foundations and concealers come in sixty different shades and are apt for all types of skin. We honestly have so many other things to say about the project, but first we would like to thank the people who made this possible. " He continued.

" First we would like to thank everyone involved with Blush n' Blushing. " Said George, then listing at least one hundred names, which took forever.

As I was looking around to see the people they were mentioning, I glanced at the bottom step of the stairs to the stage. The worst idea on the planet, standing there with his parents was the heartless monster. I honestly don't know why they look like they are about to go on stage, I guess Mason wants to go up there and tell people how they are the worst part of his day.

 " Finally we would like to thank our partners in this project. " Said Vincent. " Without them we wouldn't be able to accomplish this huge step for the company. Please help me welcome the president of Carter Cosmetics... "

Wait a minute. Carter? As in Mason Carter? As in another daymare.

" Anthony Carter. "


" Janet Carter "


" And Their son. "

How could you dad?

" Mason Carter. "

Kill me now!

They shake hands while I stare directly at the floor with anger. My dads just signed up to be tortured for life. That family is not okay. I actually never met his parents, but judging by the son they raised, I don't want to.

" And finally we would like to invite the person who makes all of this worth it. Our daughter Sloan. "

People start clapping but all I hear is a siren inside my head. All I see is a blur. I can't even feel my legs moving to the stage, it is like an automatic response. I climb up the steps and I know that he immediately recognizes me, because he stares into my eyes. I have horrible flashbacks of kindergarten and those cold eyes staring into my soul. All I can think of is running off the stage.  

No. Confront him. You only have to stand here for five minutes. You can do that for your parents just breathe deeply and look the other way.  With that thought, I walk closer to my parents and wait for them to finish the speech. After all the clapping and cheering the Carter family walks directly towards us.

" Thank you so much for coming. " My dad started.

" Thank you for inviting us. " Janet Carter replied. "It is  so nice to finally meet you, Sloan. Your parents talk so much about you. "

We shook hands as I tried to fake a smile.

" Anthony, nice to meet you. "  Anthony extended his hand.

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