Twenty Three

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I think I am as prepared as I will ever be. I went to the supermarket and got chips and soda and neatly displayed them on the center table in the living room. But I am still very late on activities. What are we supposed to do for two hours? Talk? That is a long time to do that.

This is a big deal for me. It is the first time I have ever invited people over since middle school, and the idea came from me. I can't even believe my own reality. Now there is no turning back, I have officially opened myself up to James and Olivia, I hope they accept all of it. Especially my family and pets. Or else we just can't be friends. I will never change myself for someone else, it is just not worth it. Maybe I should have thought this out a little bit better, there is still time to take it back...

The doorbell rings, now there is officially no more hiding.

" That must be one of your friends Sloan. Wait, we should take a picture of this moment. " Said George running in from the kitchen.

" No pictures. " I answered as I opened the door to find Olivia, she looked stunning. With a green skirt and black sweater. Her hair falling over her shoulders gracefully.

" Hi." I started. " I am so glad you came ". I said, ushering her to come in.

" Hello. You must be Olivia. I am George, Sloan's dad. " My dad said not giving Olivia any time to answer me.

" Hi. It is nice to meet you Mr.Muvrett. " She said, shaking his hand.

" Just call me George. "

" I am Vincent Sloan's dad. Nice to meet you. " Vincent shook her hand.

She looked at us all with a smile. Her eyes literally dancing over our faces contemplating our existence. She actually seemed happy to be here. Which calmed me down a little bit.

" Your house is really nice. " She said as we sat on the couch in the living room.

" Thanks. " I answered by putting a pillow on my lap.

As the welcome party continued Nate walked in going straight to Olivia's shoes to smell them. Waging his tale, and being a friendly host. I have taught him well.

" Hi there Mr. " She said to Nate who then sat down next to her letting his head be pet.

I loved his sympathy; it made everyone have a smile on their faces. It is incredible how dogs can be such a ball of pure happiness.

" So." She said leaving Nate for a moment. " How was yesterday? "

" It was good, we did the project and then we had lunch. " I answered.

" Jees, you are good at this. I mean the details. "

Exactly what I was trying to avoid.

" The interviewing was terrible, we probably have no data at all. However, Maxime is.. "

Very attractive, plus very cute, and very polite, and very shy, and very adorable. 

" Nice. "I decided to say.

" Go on. " She insisted.

" We smiled at each other in the end. " I said proudly.

" You smiled at each other? "

I nodded.

" Sounds so romantic. " She said sarcastically.

The doorbell rang again.

" James! " Said my dad, already hugging him. I guess they are football pals now.

" Hi Mr. Muvrett. Nice to see you again. " James answered by fixing his shirt from the exaggerated hug.

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