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"So, how was it?"

I had just entered the car and was already being bombarded with questions. How do celebrities do it? I can't even handle questions in my car, imagine being in a press conference.

" Good. " I answered, still trying to sit down.

" Don't even try Sloan. We are getting details. " Said Vincent already stressed.

" I walked in and there were a lot of people. Sitting and drinking, and some of them were standing. Doing teenage things. Then Jennifer started to say that we should play a party game and some guy suggested seven minutes in heaven. "

" What?!  You played that? " Both of them asked now hysterically.

" Let me finish! I sort of did. "

They looked at me shocked. George was shocked but also smiling which was both creepy and confusing. Maybe somewhere in his head he thought I had found the love of my life playing a party game. That would actually be a pretty cool story.

" So, I didn't know what the game was about and no one bothered to explain it." I continued." Then, Jennifer volunteered me and I went into this closet with James, from my class."

" Is he cute? " Asked George now with a distorted expression. He thought that was an important question to ask and to be honest, I don't even know the answer to that. I was so stressed at that moment that his cuteness level was the last thing in my mind.

" How is that relevant? We got locked in the closet, and James knew how to play the game so he tried to kiss me."

" He did what?! " They Both Screamed at the same time.

" We are going back to that party to teach this James a lesson. No one kisses my daughter without her consent! " Screamed Vincent, being just a tad overdramatic.

" No we are not! Can you just listen, please. "

He nodded still with his blood boiling.

" After he tried to kiss me, I slapped him in the face. So, No. We didn't kiss, dad. "

" Good! That was the right thing to do. "

" Did you hurt him? " George was interested.

"No. I don't think so. He actually apologized, and then I apologized, and we talked about our problems for the rest of the party."

Insert awkward, very long pauses of all of us looking at the floor.

" I don't know what to say. " Said Vincent in shock. " Are you sure you are feeling well honey? " He continued.

" Yeah it was really scary, because I thought that game was going to turn into something else. I just got really lucky it was all a misunderstanding. Turns out he is a really nice guy, I think I have in a weird way made a new friend."

" Based on your personality I expect nothing else. " Said George touching my hand.

" Yep, life is weird. "

" It is. " He replied.

Laying on my bed, I obviously couldn't sleep, again; maybe I should see a doctor for that. That whole experience was weird but it was also empowering. James had never heard a no from a girl before. I was the first one. I was the girl who pulled his reckless brakes. That got me thinking. Did the other girls want to kiss him? How do we allow such a game as seven minutes in heaven to be a thing? The idea of putting two people in a closet against their will and making them kiss each other sounds very bad and inappropriate to say the least. Plus, just imagine the amount of people who lie about it. I would guess that at least half of the people that play that game just sit there looking at their phones, and then make up a romantic story.

On a different note, did I want to kiss James? He was nice and if it was in another circumstance, maybe I would think about it. Aren't you supposed to feel this out of this world connection?

I have never kissed anyone in my life. I don't really get out of my house; sometimes it's difficult for me to just go places. I just feel very uncomfortable with crowds, and spaces where I feel like there is no privacy. It is just so draining. When I am in my room I feel free to be myself. Be loud when I want to. Most importantly I am not thinking about what other people are thinking of me. I feel free and comfortable. Unfortunately I still haven't found a place where I feel this way, except from home and maybe Blush'n Blushing.

I just imagine how kissing feels, because every time I read a romance book the characters describe it as magical. Will it ever happen to me? Will anyone ever want to kiss me? And most importantly. Will I let them? I just believe that kissing someone is something so intimate, and it would have to be with someone that I really like. Or love.

I always see people kissing in school, in the corridors in front of the lockers. My first thought is always that they just seem to forget that the rest of the world exists. Honestly they look at each other so fixated, that if the world collapsed, they wouldn't even bother to blink. You know when you are about to pass out and your vision starts to tunnel? You can only see the thing that is directly in front of you. That is what it looks like, as if they're vision was tunneling around their significant other.

Will my vision ever tunnel for someone? Will someone's vision tunnel for me?

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