Twenty Five

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Olivia hasn't been in school for a week and I am starting to worry. Maybe she is sick, but last time in my house she seemed just fine. Just very uncomfortable, but we all were after that beautiful statement got out of James' mouth. Who, by the way, is still ignoring me as if we had never been friends before. It is just so immature, come up and apologize so we can move on. We don't have to be close again but pretending nothing happened is not going to help the situation.

It feels very lonely and vulnerable, I got so destabilized because my friends aren't here. I was used to being alone and now it feels bad. It's like I can't go back to the person I was before, I never thought I would have a problem with being alone. The person who loves to be in a bubble suddenly can't stand all the empty space in it. A huge paradox.

The only person who seems to acknowledge my existence is Maxime, we have been having our ten second conversations almost everyday. They are still filled with me being hit with lightning from his eyes, and the constant smiling from both of us. When we are talking it feels less lonely, but it still does not make me forget about my problems. That is the funny part. Every book I read says that when you are with your romantic interest, or whatever, all of your problems go away. Even though I never believed that to be completely true, I kind of hoped it was.

I still can't get Olivia out of my head, it is like a premonition. Not coming to school for seven whole days, teachers have been asking about her, which means she hasn't told anyone at the school.  So she is not sick or injured or else the school would have a note for her. She won't reply to any of my texts or calls, I am sure something is going on. I just don't know where her house is, but maybe they will give me her adress at the front desk.


Right now I am thinking that maybe the decision of walking all the way to her house with a heavy backpack was a bad idea. I could have asked my parents to drive me but this feels like something I should do alone. I even played music that would fit my circumstances and pretended I was in a movie. The Jame's Bond Sky fall soundtrack to be more exact. 

Standing in front of her house, it is a lot different than I thought it would be, half of it is white and the other part is made of exposed brick. It goes out of the patterns of the city. It is not squished in between two houses either; it has a little space for a backyard and a front porch. It looks like a family home.

The lady at the front desk didn't even hesitate to give me the address, which is very concerning. What if a stranger gets student addresses; another reason to not be home alone. But in this case I had to take advantage of it, it was just a twenty five minute walk, which for me is exercising, so I already did that for today.

I walk to the front door and can already hear a lot of noises inside, there is a very loud young boy's voice screaming and Olivia yelling back at him. I press the doorbell and someone comes running to the door.

" Sloan? " She basically screamed in surprise. 

Olivia looked very ill, her face was completely pale with pale lips and huge under eye circles, she still wore half of her pajamas and a hoodie over it. I felt bad just by looking at her.

" Hi. " I said, still looking at her tired features. Her always loose beautiful hair was tied up in a knot on top of her head.

" How did you? Why are you here? " She said, closing the door behind her.

" I got your address at the school. I came to see if you were okay. " I said trying to get a peek of what was happening in the inside of the house.

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