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I have to get a new book. The problem is that last time I went to the book store I had fifty dollars, and then I spent seventy, so technically I owe my parents money. It's not my fault that people keep writing amazing stories. 

 I turn into a real crazy person in bookstores. My process of buying books includes doing a lot of research, and a list of pros and cons for each book. Then I decide the five that I want to buy. Even though all that preparation takes place, I will still get to the store and freak out with all the new releases. Then buy a bunch of other books together with the ones on the list. Moral of the story is:  I am broke.

That is why today, I decided to take advantage of what my school offers and go to the library. My hope is that they let you rent at least five books at a time, so I don't have to go through my indecisiveness all over again.

The school library is huge. It is a circular part of the building with an insane amount of shelves and tables where people can read and listen to music. It looks incredibly organized, and it is surprisingly clean. 

The books are actually in pretty good condition. In middle school all the books had scribbles and the pages were ripped. This is officially my favorite place in school. Now, I just need to find the horror section. 

As I walk through the shelves of books, I finally find the section that I am looking for. My drive for living: "Horror and Mystery" . The most beautiful words in the English language.

My school has a variety of Stephen King. Even though I have read almost all of them, his new releases are still on my list. Specifically, Elevation. I seem to be very attracted to books where people have weird diseases. The symptoms are always kind of gross and give me nausea, but it is still really awesome. I don't think they carry...

I suddenly spot Maxime through a gap in between two books. My heart immediately races. I turn away. Does he like books? That just makes him like seventy thousand percent more attractive.

I look again.

He is reading a book. Probably something he wants to rent.

I look again.

He is at the " Young Adult Fiction " part. Meaning he has got questionable taste.

I should go talk to him. About what? The project could be a good idea. Even though that makes no sense because we can talk about it in class tomorrow. 

No. Today. I am talking to him today. 

My feet take me to the corridor that he is in. He is standing facing the shelf reading the back of a book. A piece of hair covering his eyes.

I stare at him for longer than I should, but it is just so hard to wrap my head around this. He is a boy and he is very, very, very good looking, in my eyes at least; and he likes to read books. Also he has this really mysterious vibe, like an aura. I should try to talk to him.

How? Maybe I could pretend to be picking a book that is unintentionally very close to him, maybe the same book.

 I walk closer. 

Not even a side look.



This is not going as smoothly as I had planned. Maybe I will have to do something more extreme. Like say something, no that is out of the picture. In books people always run into each other or step on each other's feet and then start the conversation from there.

I could do that! I could step on his foot, by accident, of course. Just have to figure out the physics of how that would work. So if I position myself close enough to his left side and take a bit of a step...

" Oh, I am so sorry. " I said after my perfect calculation of stepping on his sneakers took place. It was a light step but with some intention. After all that is exactly what I was trying to do.

" It's okay. Don't worry. " He said lowering the book which I got to see was the first volume of Lord of The Rings. I have read all of them!

" That is an awesome book by the way. " I said trying to start an actual conversation.

" Yeah. I guess. " He said, already turning back to the shelf. " Wait. You're my partner for the English project, right? " He asked, facing the books.

If I thought I was shy. He is at least ten times worse than me. This is a new situation, actually being the least introverted in a conversation. It feels... strange.

" That's me. I'm Sloan by the way. "

" Maxime. " He said, finally turning towards me.

" I was thinking, for the project we are supposed to interview people. My parents once collected signatures for a petition and they walked from door to door in my neighborhood. They dragged me along so I know some people's names. If you like the idea, maybe we can do something like that. " I threw at him, without taking any breaths.

" That sounds good. " He said indifferently.

" Great. So, when can you do it? "

" So we are going together? " He asked, and it might be my fertile imagination, but I think he blushed a little.

" If you want to. " I was a little nervous about his response.

" Sure. Can you do it on Saturday? "

" Yes. Saturday it is. My neighborhood is actually a ten minute walk from here so maybe we could meet in front of the school. "

" That works. What about 10 am?  Is that too early? " He asked timidly.

He is concerned about my sleeping time!

" It's good for me. " I answered trying to keep it together, even though we all know that it is too early for me.

" Cool, see you then. "

" Yeah. " I said leaving Maxime with his book.

I am very proud of myself. I talked to the guy I like. It was more than a talk, it was a conversation. Started by yours truly. Without throwing up every time he looked at me, even though his pineapple green eyes were so piercing. Don't let me get started on the hair. It is a dark brown almost black, dripping over his eyes and cheeks with curls on top.

Honestly, if you imagine the cutest dog on earth and then you picture it as a person, it would be the perfect description of Maxime. 

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