Twenty Six

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We are in the car in front of Mason's house, not by choice I must add. I was literally dragged here. Until now it has been awful, and I haven't even done anything which clearly is a sign of how bad this is going to be. Mason's family is having a garage sale, and guess who decided to volunteer? 

My parents and they added me. I have way more important things to do today. I was planning on doing a Star Trek marathon. It's way more important than this, in every level possible. I haven't said a word since we left home. Maybe my silence will reflect my unhappiness. 

 We walk in and there are a lot of people helping, like at least ten. Which means his parents are either nice people or they threaten everyone. Based on my knowledge it is probably the second option.

I will just try to stay with my parents and not look at things I don't want to. Or people I don't want to. Even though he is literally looking at me right now, more like staring at me but that is okay; I will just ignore it.

I have been organizing cutlery for about two hours and it is already dark out. The sale was a success I must say, but now we have to pack everything that is left in boxes. And it is boring. This is the most exercise my arms have done in forever. And now there is no more tape. So how are we supposed to close the boxes?

" Is there any more tape Miss. Carter? " I asked.

" I don't think so sweetheart. " She answered. " I actually think someone needs to go get some. " She completed.

Not me, I answered in my mind.

" Mason, honey. Could you? " She called.

He nodded.

" You should both go. " She finished.

" Why? " I asked.

This was a terrible idea. I was able to avoid him the entire day, and now we are going to be stuck in a car for an hour. Ruined my plans.

" That is a great idea. You are going. " George said, already pushing me in Mason's direction. Call me paranoid, but I think they had this planned all along. They purposefully used all of the tape just for me to go into Mason's car.

We both walked to his car in silence. I sat down and got strapped in. He made sure to check every single thing in the car before we drove off. So my guess is that he just got his permit. Which means technically we should be driving with an adult, but who am I to say? My opinions have been ignored for the whole day.

Even though I hate to admit it, he is a pretty good driver. No hits or sudden breaks until now, and he doesn't go too fast. He seems very nervous though clutching the steering wheel with both hands. Every time we hit a red light I pretend to be looking out the window, just to not face him directly. But until now he hasn't tried to start a conversation. Let's hope to keep it that way until we get back.

We finally get to Office Depot, and there is barely a soul there. The parking lot had two cars and there is no one in the store that does not work here. It is nine o'clock at night on a Saturday, so that explains it. And this is the only time I wish there were more people in one place. Like a real crowd, Black Friday style.

We walk together to the tape aisle and I grab two rolls of the invisible one, Mason looks at my hands and grabs another one, we go to the cashier and he gets two of the MeM'S that come in a tube. Those are actually my favorite kind but I refuse to grab one for myself. MeM's are inappropriate for this situation. This must not generate any type of happy feeling. I just want to get out of here as soon as possible. It hasn't been complete hell as I expected, but still I don't want to take chances.

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