Thirty Five

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" So let me get this straight. " Olivia started as we sat down at the iron lunch table. " You helped Maxime with a prom posal to Jennifer, after you called her a bitch. "

" Yep. " I said with a hopeful voice.

The prom posal was going to happen today.  Maxime and I got to school at six thirty to set it up. After a lot of discussion we settled on spelling prom on the football field with white pebbles. He wanted it to be as big as half of the field so she could see it from the top of the bleachers. It was funny because for such a shy guy he definitely wanted the attention.

We were setting those pebbles on the grass for three hours in the freezing cold, with the grass still wet. And we even had to redo the letter M multiple times because it just looked like a weird squashed spider. So needless to say it was a lot of work, plus I got to find out he is a perfectionist which just made the process even longer.

" Why? " She asked incredulously.

" Cause he is a nice person and he asked for my help. And we are friends now. " I insisted.

" You are too nice sometimes. Just try to be less nice occasionally. "

" Why? " I asked genuinely confused.

People in my grade seemed to find being rude cool. Like roasting people. And to be fair it is kind of funny, but maybe I could change the system by just being genuinely nice. Selena Gomez said 'kill them with kindness', and she is the higher authority I answer too.

" Cause it's annoying. " She said being interrupted by James, and Maya who was with him. Just a little surprising to me because last time I checked James didn't like her, but I guess he changed his mind.

" What's going on there? " Olivia asked, pointing at them.

" Hi. " Said Maya already seated.

" Hi, I'm Olivia. Jame's ex girlfriend. " She joked. Which Maya didn't get because she looked terrified for a minute.

" Just kidding. " Olivia completed causing Maya to go back to her natural shade. " Are you guys going to prom together? "

" Yes. " James said proudly. " What about you? "

" People are scared to ask me out...  As they should. " She answered.

" Dude that is kind of dumb. " James jumped in.

" Who are you going with Sloan? " Maya asked the question I had been hoping to avoid.

" I don't think I am going. I am not really into parties, and crowds, and noisy places. " I answered.

I honestly was not planning on going,  just imagine a whole gymnasium filled with people from my grade in it. Plus someone would sneak in alcohol and I would be stuck with a hundred drunk teenagers. Is just too much for me. Plus imagine the smells that would be released...

" Stop being an old woman for a second. You are coming, even if I have to drag you. " Olivia said grabbing my arm.

" Okay then. But I would prefer to not be dragged. " I finally gave in. " And I am not bringing a date. " I settled getting up to leave.

" I need to go to my car to leave my books before Biology. " Olivia said, already getting up.

" I will come with. " I said trying not to be alone with Maya and James, because if there is one annoying thing in life, it is third wheeling. And I am not in the mood for it today, or ever to be honest, so I would willingly drink water from the toilet instead of doing that.

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