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After the bell rang on the last class on Friday, I basically ran out of the classroom and raced to the company. The wind was brushing all the hair away from my eyes. My hands were freezing cold, and my shoes were almost on fire. Honestly even Usain Bolt would be amused by my speed.

I open the glass doors at the Blush in' Blushing building and breath in that lavender and vanilla scent in the lobby. My dad and I found that perfume in one of our many late night trips to Bath and Body Works. We literally tried all of the perfumes and voted on them. We were there for at least an hour for the discomfort of the workers. I take my company ID out of my backpack and hand it to Clark, so he can scan it.

"Hello Sloan." He said with a smile on his face. Clark had been working for my parents for ten years. When I was younger, and had not found the perks of the internet yet. We used to play chess with an old set he had in his tight office. He is the best chess player I know, except for myself, obviously.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Good. How are you?" He answered cheerfully.

"Good. Great, actually."

Clark put a confused face on, I guess he had never seen me in such an energetic mood after school.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Something really unexpected happened, I was invited, INVITED not forced, to a social event and I am considering, CONSIDERING going.

"I got invited to a party."

"Really?" He challenged my past statement.

"Yep. Is that so hard to imagine?"

"You know that is not what I meant Sloane, I just didn't think you were the partying type."

"Is there a type of party?" I asked.

"I guess so, with you teenagers everything has a type."

"True. Well, I hope everything goes fine."

"Just try to have fun, but not too much fun. Don't take weird green things from strangers."

"Umm, I won't."

"Great." He said.

"Great." I said

I have an abundance of super protective men in my life at the moment. It feels great since they talk to me all the time which makes me feel less lonely and more like a normal person. But, sometimes I do need some space. Like a stereotypical teenager I value my personal space and privacy.

Everyone is a familiar face in this building, they were a huge part of my life, Blush In Blushing is the only place outside of my house where I actually feel comfortable. People are adults so they don't judge my every step, or maybe they do but just not to my face.

"Hello Sloan." Said Margaret with a big smile.

"Hello Margaret. How are you?"

Margaret is awesome, she is my dad's secretary. But not that boring lady who just sits behind a desk and receives calls, she is a great secretary. My parents work so much that sometimes they forget to take care of themselves. This is where Margaret comes in with her amazing ginger lemon tea and sugar cookies. You know that person who is just adorable without knowing they are, like a cute grandma.

"I am great sweetheart. How are you?" She answered cheerfully.

"Great too. How are the cats?"

"Oh, I am so glad you asked. They are amazing! Jules just had his 5th birthday party yesterday. Mikey however, had to have a mouth surgery because his teeth were rotten. Cats, you never know what they are eating."

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