Thirty One

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I have to say I have really outdone myself this time. This table looks amazing. I decorated it with a blue tablecloth and the food. And the best part is that I used my comic books to make little stools for the little sandwiches. And I made sure to put all the ones that had the Hulk on the top so Phoenix would see them.

" The cake is all done. " George said coming into the living room holding a blue frosted cake.

" This looks amazing honey. " He said, noticing my decoration.

" Thanks. Same for the cake. " I replied.

Cake is honestly the best invention ever created. Soft dough with filling and icing ... I would live on cake if I could.

I finish setting everything in place, making sure drinks and cups are available. And definitely napkins cause we are about to be bombarded with fifteen hungry eight year olds.

" So , I made a playlist. " Vincent said, turning away from his computer. " I only have current hits. "

I sat next to him on the couch to look at the playlist. It was indeed current hits but not the appropriate ones for a kids party. I mean I love Cardi B and all that female empowerment rap. However, I don't think an eight year old brain should absorb some of those not so beautiful words.

" I think it is great. I just don't know if they are very appropriate..." I said being cut off by the sound of the doorbell. People were supposed to be here in forty minutes but I guess they just decided to invite themselves earlier. We still have so much to do, I went to the door, and to my surprise outside was Mason, carrying a cardboard box filled with what I presume are party supplies.

" Hey Mason, I am so glad you made it. " My dad cut in front of me. " I called your mom earlier today to see if she had any party decorations. "

" We have so much. My mom threw parties all the time when we were little. " He said crossing to the table, and setting the box on top of it. It was filled with lights, paper ornaments and candles, everything you would ever need for a party.

" This is cool. Maybe if I could find some of the ornaments in green... " I said already, sticking my hands in it.

" I don't think you need them. You have done a pretty perfect job. " He said looking at me.

" Thanks. " I was a little embarrassed. " I don't know if you were planning on staying for the party but we still need someone to help with the music, if you want. " I said pretending to be looking at the box again so I didn't have to face him.

I can not believe that I am inviting the human I once hated to stay at my house, willingly. And I want him to stay. I want Mason Carter to stay in the same place that I am in, as hard as it is to imagine.

" I think we already have the best DJ in all of San Francisco in charge of music. " Vincent said getting up from the couch.

" I bet you are Mr. Muvrett, but I can be like your co DJ." Mason said, already walking towards the couch.

They sat down and went through the list of songs, and I am happy to report that a lot of them were changed. So we won't get in trouble for the new vocabulary the kids take home.

I look a bit too long at Mason and my dad. He was so nice to them and he didn't care about their sexuality. It's impressive how being respectful makes you so much more attractive. If men would only learn that.


The party has been going great for my standards, everyone showed up. And by everyone I mean about ten kids plus Olivia and Phoenix. Who walked in with James, out of all people, and I had to be stopped by my dad multiple times from dragging him out of my house. Maya also showed up which I was positive was not going to happen. So I will consider calling this a huge success. Plus Phoenix seems so happy, as soon as he walked in and we yelled surprised his eyes were filled with a shine, and it is still going. He came and hugged me when he saw all the comics, plus the cake was amazing. It had three layers of chocolate filling, and the frosting was so light and sweet.

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