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" This week we will be starting a really special project."  Said Miss. Cleary after we had all closed our computers. 

We are learning about journalism and communication in English class. Specifically, how the media uses language to make their articles more appealing to the general audience.

" You will need to choose a subject you are interested in that relates to the media. Then interview people. No friends or family. I want you to go out on the street and find interesting people. Ask them specific well-formulated questions about your topic. Then you will gather all the information and write an article. " She paused to look at us. " Are we clear? "

Just the thought of being in the street alone talking to strangers about the media sounds very risky. Don't get me wrong San Francisco is quite open and diverse, but my neighborhood, not so much. Talking about the media may turn into talking about politics. Which may or may not cause me to unleash my so-called "liberal ideals" on people.

" Also,"  She continued with a firm voice. " This project is in pairs."

People started chatting amongst themselves. It was like a competition to work with your best friend before someone else could. Or just someone who was responsible and would do all of the work for you.

" I have already picked the pairs. "

The cheering stopped completely. I personally love when the teachers choose the pairs, because then I don't have to slowly walk closer to someone's desk, and pretend that I lost my eraser until they ask if I have a pair.

" I will announce the pairs now, and I will only say it once. So, pay attention! " The whole class turned to the front.

People were so nervous about who they would work with. Including me! Lets just hope it is not one of those people that sit in the back. Because they scare me.

" The pairs are: Maya and Oliver, Maria and Lucas, Jordan and Finn."  People were trying to make insinuating noises but Miss. Cleary went so quick that they were being cut off. She didn't even take breathing brakes in case anyone wanted to make an inappropriate comment.

" Luna and Javier, Sloan and Maxime. "

Maxime is a stranger to me. To be honest I don't think I have ever seen him in...

No way! He took a shy look at me. That was the name of the most beautiful human being on the planet from the football game, Maxime.

First of all, what a cool name. Second of all, my plan was just to look, maybe stare at him from far away until I maybe had the courage to sit next to him in class.

Now, I will need to talk to him. TALK. This is a disaster. Well, we will have a topic in common but still, I am not prepared. Yes I am, he is just a human, a very, very, very cute human, but still a human. I am a human too, so we already have that in common. Our first similarity, I already feel closer to him.

" Everyone knows who their pairs are? " She asked, calling me back to the real world.

" Yes. "  We said as a class, being interrupted by the bell for lunch.

Everyone started to get up from their chairs, I had to collect myself for a minute. There is way too much going on right now. My body had to go through a weekend of hatred and sadness and now all this. I hope to survive. 

After walking out of the classroom completely dizzy and sweating I decided to go outside, and just try to get some air I guess. And then I spot Olivia.

" Hi. " I say walking closer to her.

" Hey there Wild Cool Sloan."  She answered, taking off her giant headphones. " Sit down. Or are you afraid of getting your jeans wet? "  She teased.

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