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It's as if my parents are trying to be loud on purpose. They have been giving interviews over the phone for at least two hours, before I decided get out of bed, and attempt to have some breakfast. When I get out of my room in my Baby Yoda two sizes too big shirt and a pair of shorts, my parents are already almost fully dressed. Looking so professional.

" Yes, it is a full coverage foundation that has coconut oil and vitamin C in the composition." George said on the phone, then spotting me in the kitchen.

" Hi sweetheart. " He said putting his hand over the phone so the interviewer couldn't hear.

" Hi, I was wondering if... "

" Yes, it is cruelty free, and vegan. " He said, interrupting me.

I just motioned that I was going to have breakfast and started pouring some almond milk into my mug. While I am midway through making my coffee Vincent walks in.

" Hey. Why are you still in pajamas? We need to leave in an hour. " He said with his phone in one hand and a mug in the other.

" That is why. I still have an hour! " I answered without looking at him.

Today is Saturday again, which means the day for the Blush n' Blushing event for launching their newest makeup line. These types of events are usually super awkward, because there are only adults and business owners. The average public is rich people that wear suits, and women parading their fur coats and fancy dresses. I am always obligated to say hello to every single person in the room, and parade a fake smile around. Then my parents have to go on stage and talk about the product. The problem is that they always find a way to include me in the speech, and then people start staring at my non fancy jumpsuit and shoes.

" Just be on time. "

" I don't know if I can. " I teased.

" That is not funny. This is important. " He replied, annoyed.

" Is school not important? You are never on time for that. " I continued.

" You know what I mean. " Then his phone rings again and our discussion is over.

As I stand in front of the mirror, I think my outfit is actually pretty. The shade of blue is almost navy and the jumpsuit fits me very well. And at least, I am wearing pants, because dresses are the devil. They are tight, and uncomfortable, and you have to pull them down all the time since you don't want to flash a room full of people. Or at least, I don't! Plus they don't leave you any room to eat. I need clothes that can stretch so when I eat something I will still be able to breathe.

The venue is huge! There are so many different tall tables. For people to lean on, I guess, because there are no chairs. There is a tall black stage with the Blush n' Blushing brand name on a huge banner on top of it. There aren't a lot of people here since we always get to the venue a bit early to help with the organization.

After we take about one hundred family pictures, my parents leave me to rehearse their entrance and speech. They always make sure to speak so loud and clearly up there, sometimes it sounds very robotic. I always get weirdly anxious to be alone in a crowded place. I get so nervous that I  either trip or spill water on my clothes. Now there are a good two hundred people in this huge room and still I am just walking around trying to find someone I know or a quiet corner.

I decide to go to the bathroom, at least there I will have a little bit of peace. Now finding the bathroom in this place is going to be a challenge. I try to remember those crucial navigation skills I learned as a Girl Scout. It brings back memories from when I got lost in a parking lot when  trying to sell my cookies. It was a total of twenty minutes of not finding my dad. As an eight year old it was enough to make me want to quit. Which I didn't do, because I am determined. Or because my dad forced me to continue, I guess we will never know.

I am actually starting to get dizzy in this venue. There are so many doors and places and then...

You know that feeling of seeing someone from your past. Wanting to hide and talk to them at the same time. The experience I am having right now is a little bit different. I just want to hide! I am a very pacific person, you know. I don't fight or get in arguments with people that aren't my parents. This kid however is the opposite. I try not to use the word hate so much but I actually hate this person. I hate Mason! And it is an old hate, since he started bullying me when I was seven.

He is probably the cruelest human being on the planet, the person who would run over a dead dog on the street, just to see its insides pop out of its body. And to top it all off he looks exactly the same, just taller and...


He is smiling.

Probably at a baby crying, that is my guess. Monsters don't smile at joy, they smile at pain. Just seeing him on the other side of the room makes my mouth dry. I remember all the times he pressed me against my locker and told me that I was the ugliest thing he had ever seen. I remember the many times he opened my backpack in the classroom and hid all of my school stuff. I remember the day we were in art class and he drew me and told the teacher he was inspired by the abomination in the school. I remember all of the times he made me cry. I remember all of the times he made me hate myself. I remember all the sleepless nights he caused me. I remember it all, but I am sure he doesn't.

I walked into the bathroom completely destabilized. I just want to sit on the floor and cry. But of course there is a line in the bathroom, as always. You can do it Sloan, hold your tears for five minutes and then you can quietly cry for the rest of your life.

Finally a stall is free, I sit down and...

I am not crying. I am not crying! The urge just went away. I sit there for a second perplexed at myself. I really thought I was going to flood the building with tears. That is a bit exaggerated, I actually thought I would only flood the bathroom.

I am not breaking down, in fact I am just angry. I want to punch that boy in the face. I want the world to know how much of a horrible human being he is. This entire party to know that he is a monster. I would honestly trust myself to punch Mason in the state that I am in right now. I slapped James who is a million times the person Mason will ever be. And according to him, it hurt. I could do some damage to his monstrous face.

With that thought I get up and out of the bathroom and walk straight into Margaret and Clark.

" Hey Sloan. How are you sweetheart? " Margaret is already hugging me.

" Hi. I am great actually. " I answered not believing the words that just came out of my mouth. I feel like Magneto in the first X- Men movie. Before I couldn't even crush a can of Coke but now after seeing the devil in person, I feel like I could crush a whole building.

" Hi Sloan. " Said Clark from the table.

" Hi. "

" Do you want to sit with us honey? I know your parents are busy. " Asked Margaret.

" Well, there are no chairs, so it is more standing with us. " Said Clark sarcastically.

Margaret laughed. Which really shocked me because she is one of those people that never complains about anything, everything is positive for her. One time a window broke in the office during a storm and my parents office was flooded, so we had to clean up the entire night. Margaret's response to that was that it was fun to clean up if we all did it together. It was not fun, in any way.

" I'll stand with you then. " I answered, making my way closer to the table. 

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