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The music was so loud we could hear it from the car. We had just parked at Jennifer's driveway, her house was really nice, white and squashed like half of San Francisco's architecture.

"Just remember to have fun, " George insisted.

"I will try." I lied.

I hugged them goodbye and jumped off the car.

As I pressed the doorbell, it actually worked! Our doorbell had been broken for the past five years and we had never bothered to fix it.  My palms feel very sweaty, I am very nervous. What awaits me beyond that door scares me. Any room with a lot of people and no authority or rules, makes me uncomfortable.

"Hi! You came?" Jennifer said as she opened the door with a surprised face.

At that point, I was about nine hundred percent sure she only invited me because of my parents. But, I came! So now, she will have to tolerate me for the rest of the night.

"Hi! Yeah, I did."

She invited me and somewhere in my brain I thought it was a good idea to come; now, I see that it was not, but my parents already left so there is no way for me to run away.

"Don't just stand in the door, come on in" she yelled. "Drinks and snacks are on the table in the back."

"Thank you."

Before I even finished the sentence Jennifer was gone, leaving me alone with other people. As I am walking to the acclaimed back table to get some water, I think I might faint. It's like swimming through an ocean of sharks that want to devour you. People are looking at me. Or at least I think they are looking at me.

I finally get to the table, there are a bunch of bottles, but the problem is that they don't have any labels. How am I supposed to know if something is water or vodka? You know what, I will just get it from the tap. What if Jennifer's tap was filled with Vodka? Why am I so paranoid? Never mind, I will just be thirsty.

After sitting and just looking at the wall for about an hour the party really started to get busier. There are about forty people here, which for me is a crowd. However the wall I have been staring at is very interesting, it was light beige with a fancy meshy wallpaper, very vintage decoration choices.

"Who is enjoying the party?" Jennifer yelled from the middle of the living room

Everyone clapped and cheered.

"Great, what do you say if we play some games?"

"Can we play truth or dare?" Said a blonde kid wearing a red sweater in the back of the room.

"Seven minutes in heaven." Suggested another sweater wearing soul.

I did not know we would play religious games at a party.

" Yes." Jennifer said.

Could she please explain the game?

"Everyone is in. Yes?"

"No." I whispered.

"Then let's start. Who wants to go first?"

I guess I am supposed to know how to play then.

"And um.. How do you play that Jen?" Someone said in the back. It just sounded very sarcastic to me but I had the same question.

"You will find out soon. I think we should close our eyes and I will spin a bottle and whoever it points to gets a turn." Jennifer explained, not clearing any of my doubts.

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