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" And Checkmate. " I said proudly.

Playing chess is my favorite hobby. It requires strategy, concentration and being quiet. It's perfect, plus you have to be sitting down for a long time, there is no sweating...

" You beat me again Sloan. " Said Clark defeated.

He was the second best chess player in all of San Francisco, after me. Clark taught me how to play when I was eight years old, and I was instantly hooked. I would read books about strategy in chess and it was all I talked to my parents about. I guess that was proof that they loved me because they never told me to shut up. Even when I would make us watch 'The Chess Olympics' and comment for hours. But today Clark just seemed off, I beat him three times already and we have been playing for two hours. That is the time it usually takes for one game, it has just been so easy.

" Are you sure you are okay? Because this is my third win. Or am I just that good? " I asked.

" Just a lot in my mind kiddo. " He paused. " I actually think you can help me. "

You know I have been agreeing to help a lot of people lately, Olivia and Mason and apparently I helped Maxime somehow. But he also helped me, so I guess it was mutual help. We are helping each other already, that is so cute! Focus Sloan.

" You know Margaret ? So, I have been wanting to ask her to go out on a date with me. " He said quietly.

Wait. Clark and Margaret? That is such a weird pairing , she loves cats, tea and pink. And he loves talking about politics and grey and playing chess. I guess opposites do attract after all. But, Clark is a great person and he deserves to find love again.

After his wife died two years ago he was so devastated, he didn't show up to work for at least three months. We went to her funeral. I did not know her very well but I bet she was a nice lady. I am not sure if Margaret had a husband, apart from the cats.

" I just don't know how to do it. I think I lost my charm after Anna. " He completed.

" I am honestly the last person to ask for romantic advice. The only date I have been to was in a school project. And he didn't think it was a date... It wasn't a date. "

" But you are closer to Margaret than I am. What does she like? "

" Well she loves her cats, I think she has five. And she loves caring for people, she babysits my parents very often even though they are adults. And she makes the best tea you will ever drink. " I said smiling at my facts about Margaret , I was basically describing a great person who had a tiny obsession with felines.

" Good. That is a start. "

" Yeah. She is a great person. So you have that in common."

He smiled.

" Now I need to go get something to drink. All that winning made me thirsty. "

" I let you win." He answered.

" No you didn't." I yelled, already walking away.

I really hope they find happiness. It would be so funny if they got married. Then they can copy those people from Instagram and have the cats walk the bride to the altar. That would just be the best wedding ever. Like a separate reception just for the cats. Then I can bring Savannah, no she is too gorgeous to attend weddings. 

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