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"Sloan? Honey? I want you downstairs in ten minutes. Sloan!"

That was the first thing I heard from my dad this morning. Such a lovely way to wake up.

I just replied with a loud incomprehensible yell. It is Sunday and I deserve my sleep.

"What's that? Are you ready in five?"

"No! " I yelled back, now very comprehensively.

This is how my weekend mornings usually start, a lot of yelling. Partially because I think sleeping is my right, so I just take advantage of it sometimes, maybe multiple times. Today is my last day of winter vacation and my plans consist of enjoying all the free time that is left. This is the last day where I can be comfortable in my fuzzy pajamas, and not have any awkward social interactions.

After a half hour post sleep nap, I get up. Really hoping my breath smells fine, because the sink just seems so far away. I think it is really funny that adults tell us to brush our teeth before leaving the room. Even though I am going to have breakfast five minutes after that, and make them dirty again. It's just worsening our water crisis.

"Look who woke up! I was about to call 911." Said my dad when I walked into the kitchen.

Vincent is a nice person, when he wants to but I really inherited his sarcasm, so we communicate very well.

"That would be hilarious. Next time don't hesitate." That was my smarter, funnier answer to his attempt at a joke.

"Don't say that. You never know what might happen tomorrow."

"I do know, I will be going to hell. Also known as school ."

"Someone is feeling funny this morning." He said as we had our usual good morning hug.

"Yeah... I'm also feeling hungry, so..."

I am always hungry, it is a problem. Especially if we are talking about unhealthy foods. Typically vegans are extra extra healthy but not me. Consider me a lover not a fighter until I meet a person who does not ingest carbohydrates. It even hurts to say it.

"At this time Sloan. That's what you have been reduced to." He said while reaching for the cereal box on the counter. Cereal, the most bland food in the history of all foods. Pieces of corn swimming in milk.

"Fine! I will just grab a bowl then." I said giving up.

As I move to get my limited super exclusive Adventure Time bowl, my dad comes over to my rescue. He takes my totally awesome collectible edition bowl out of my hand and walks to the oven. As he opens the old oven door the smell of recently baked muffins fills the room. I can almost smell the chocolate chips melting into the vanilla cake.

This is one of his best dishes; George is a great cook and I truly support his dream of becoming a chef, especially because I get to try everything he makes. I loved to cook when I was younger until one day I accidentally, emphasis on accidentally. Putting a metal bowl in the microwave, I was banned from the kitchen for five months, and now all I am allowed to do is chop vegetables with a children's knife.

My dad places two perfectly golden muffins in front of me on the kitchen table as my mouth is already salivating.

"Thanks daddy." I said intentionally loud for my dad to hear it from the living room.

"You're welcome."

One of our favorite hobbies is to annoy dad, and we are excellent at it.

"You have to stop spoiling her, George. Otherwise she is just going to keep waking up at this time and become a lazy teenager who does nothing but complain about my breakfast choices."

Someone was annoyed already; it works every time.

"I am not spoiling her, Vincent. She is going to start school tomorrow. What's the problem with waking up a little later?"

I am not prepared for school, at least not physically or mentally for that matter. My mind is still in a place of watching movies and eating chips until three in the morning. I am not ready for waking up at six without the chips, and having to get out of the house. In the cold foggy San Francisco weather. I did not sign up for this. In fact no one did, no one signed up for school. We are all just forced to go there everyday, and spend eight hours of our short day with other people in cold hallways. I would like to retire from that life. Actually I will be retiring in two years when I graduate, finally.

"See, someone understands me." I said, still chewing my food." I am one day away from joining the social abyss, and I am preparing my body by eating, and hibernating. Like a polar bear getting ready for mating season." I continued.

"You are not a polar bear." Dad said ruining my scientific moment.

"I wish I was." I said while chewing my muffing. " I need to watch that new documentary about the arctic, people are saying it is really good. There are baby arctic foxes walking with their little furry paws on the snow." Daddy seems to be as enchanted by that vision as I am.

"No, what you need to do is to go get dressed, so we can go buy your school supplies." My dad replied, ruining our visions about cute arctic foxes.

I consider myself an indoors creature, going out and socializing is just not my thing. I would rather stay home and watch bad horror movies with my pets. Plus, going out means I have to walk, smile and put on "presentable clothes".

"Can we at least have lunch at VJ's?" I asked.

We are going to a store so at least having good food will lessen the pain. Also I am eating my breakfast and thinking about lunch. That's the very extensive planning I do every day. VJ's has the best veggie burger in town, and it is only a ten minute walk from our house. I am proud to say I am a loyal customer, we even get discounts sometimes.

"Sure. Now go get ready." Rushed Vincent

"Going!" I yelled running to my room midway through chewing my last piece of muffing.

SnowflakeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon