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Ten minutes later we are out the door. Walking down the street is a form of entertainment, especially if you live in California. You never know what you are going to see. My craziest experience was seeing a dude dressed as Celine Dion singing Eminem. It was terrifying, but there are also cool street musicians close to where we live. Sometimes I stop to watch them play. It gives me a sense of calmness, where I can just let go of my thoughts for a minute and stand awkwardly clapping with strangers.

We get to the supply store and it is crowded as always. Especially because most schools start again tomorrow. The only thought running through my mind is I hope I don't run into anyone. Running into people is just so awkward. It happens quite often since my dads apparently know half the population of California because of their company. Since they opened Blush n' Blushing it has become quite a cultural phenomenon. They hopped on the natural makeup trend and it worked out well. Now they have posters and ads everywhere. They were even featured in Vogue last year. Which in my opinion is when you transition from normal person to celebrity.

As I am going through the list of supplies I start to get a weird feeling in my stomach; school really is starting tomorrow and I am really scared. Sometimes people describe that feeling as having butterflies in their stomach, which I don't like to use. Just imagine that. They would be beating their wings which would make you feel sick and vomit, and the poor insects would come along with it, and you would become a butterfly murderer.

Moving down the last items on the list I find my notebooks, which I take a while to pick. There are so many colors, types, and characters.

"Sloan? Sloan?" I Heard my dad calling, interrupting my big decision."Sloan!" He called again.

"I'm going."

Instead of looking for me around the store they have to scream and call everyone's attention. It looks like they are looking for a dog and not a person. I finally made up my mind, and took the regular blue notebook.

"Guys you need to stop screaming every time! Just look for me." I said in an undertone.

"We just didn't know where you were." Said George, definitely not in an undertone.

"I was literally on the aisle next to you." I said being completely ignored.

We pay for the notebooks, and the pens. And everything else school requires that we are never going to use.

My plan of not running into anyone was going well so far. Maybe too well if you ask me. Now I am getting nervous about how well it is going. My therapist calls it anxious thoughts, always waiting for something to go wrong. But that's how my brain works and it's exhausting.

Today, it was actually right. As we are leaving the store I spot Jennifer and Maya coming in.

I adopted my camouflage mode, looked down, and put my hands in my pockets. It works most times. People usually look away when they see a person looking down.

"Can I take a picture with you?"

It was Jennifer, basically screaming behind us. We have been in the same class for four years, but haven't exchanged a single word. It is probably my fault. I just hid in school, I tried being social Freshman year. But it just didn't work, I get overwhelmed very easily in social situations. Everyone seems to be having a good time. A good conversation, and my voice just becomes quieter and quieter until it becomes too quiet for people to hear. And I've decided to let it stay that way.

"Hi, yes, of course." My dads answered almost at the same time. They are amazing with their fans. I try being as cheerful as them sometimes, but it's just so hard.

"Wait a second..." George interrupted.

I was almost free from social awkwardness. I was almost ten steps away which could be considered a safe distance from them.

"Honey?" He called.

"Yeah?" I turned around thinking somehow I could still be invisible.

"Don't these girls go to school with you?"

After that comment I had no option but to turn around with a fake smile.

"Yes. Yes they do."

"Oh my god! Sarah, those are your dads?" Jennifer said, surprised. "How come you never told us about them?" She asked as if she actually talked to me.

"It's Sloan. And yeah, I don't know, I guess we never talked about our families."

"Yes, Sloan. Of course!" Said Jennifer trying to make this conversation less awkward, but miserably failing.

This is exactly the reason I like staying at home. I don't have to pretend to like people or talk to them. I can just read and watch movies with my parents. It is never awkward. Plus, they know my name is not Sarah.

"Do you want me to take the picture?" I said trying to end the longest five minutes of my life.

"Would you honey?" Vincent said, capturing the 'please let this end expression' painted on my face. I nod and Jennifer lends me her phone.

They adopt their supermodel stances and the picture is taken.

"Thank you." She said, speaking on behalf of both of them, I assume. They start to walk into the store. Then Jennifer turns around and says,"See you in school tomorrow."

I wave, and turn back to my parents so we can finally go to lunch. 

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